
Embrace Every Moment

Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had a blessed weekend and ready for an even more blessed week. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. No matter what circumstances or situations we face, God is still God and He is still good. Praise God.

I am sure by now everyone has seen, heard or read about the horrific helicopter crash Sunday morning that took the lives of 9 people. Everyone on that helicopter will be greatly missed by family, friends and loved ones. Rest In Peace.

Life is short and people are dying every day. Whether in an accident, a shooting or losing a battle to an illness. When you get up in the morning and leave home, some people won’t be coming back. I am sure none of those people on that helicopter had any idea that they would not be returning home that day. It is such a tragedy, but this happens every day.

This is why we should take the time to embrace every moment of our lives. Show and tell the people in our lives how much we love them because we don’t know if we will get another chance. Live your life filled with love, the God kind of love. Not just for your family but for everyone. Life is too short to harbor hate and unforgiveness toward anyone. Remove the hate, forgive and move on. Replace the hate and unforgiveness with Love.

But more importantly, are you ready to leave this life the way God intended. Have you surrendered your life over to Jesus and following Him. I pray that you have and that you are saved. I pray that your reservation for Heaven has been made and you will be Heaven bound when that time comes. Just in case you haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus or you are not sure. I have listed the salvation scripture below for you to speak out loud and believe in your heart what you are speaking.

Romans 10:9-10 reads, “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess you are saved.”

Well, if you spoke the above scripture out loud and believed in your heart what you spoke, you are saved. Praise God and welcome to the family. This was the best decision you will ever make. God Bless 🙂

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