
Enjoy What God Has Made For You

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this morning? I pray your weekend was safe and blessed and restful in the Lord. Getting before God this morning and thanking Him for an awesome weekend and ready to go forward in the week with Him. Praise God.

Well, Fall has finally arrived and the color changes has begun, so beautiful. We don’t have any trees in our front or back yard. There’s a pasture behind our backyard fence, so we have trees behind our fence. Our neighbors have trees in their backyard so we have a view of trees on each side of our fence in the backyard. So, we are actually surrounded by trees and I love watching them change colors for the Fall season. I absolutely love this time of the year, when the weather cools down and the colors are amazing.

So, imagine this if you can. Sitting in the backyard, on the patio in the mornings with that good cup of coffee. Reading and studying your Bible and listening to some praise music about our Heavenly Father. It takes spending time with God to a another level and it puts you in His presence and it is amazing. Even praying in that atmosphere is so different and it touches you in a different way. Now don’t misunderstand me, spending that time with Him in the house is amazing too, any time and any where. It’s just being in the midst of His surroundings that adds that little extra to time being spent with Him. Colossians 1:16 reads, “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.

I had the pleasure this weekend of sitting out there with Miss Aria (2) and Miss Chanell (11), two of my amazing granddaughters. We watched birds and butterflies and had some funny conversations, if you could imagine that. Too funny and too cute all at the same time. So, I had all of that love and cuteness on top of what God had already given me in my backyard sitting on my patio. Priceless. It’s the simple things in life that makes the best memories and I pray that you are making some.

Since the temperatures have cooled down, make it a point to get outside in the midst of what God has made for your enjoyment and spend some time with Him. Enjoy the changing of the colors, the birds, the squirrels running and playing and whatever creatures you may have in your backyard. Psalm 104:24 reads, “How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” So, spend some time outside enjoying what God has made for our enjoyment, with Him. God Bless 🙂