
Enjoy Your Journey

Happy Monday! I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week with God. So, lets put on our happy faces today and make someone else smile.

Every Sunday morning and some Saturday mornings, I start my weekly journey to the country. The drive is about 45 minutes to an hour and I so enjoy it. When I exit the interstate and start down those back country roads, it is amazing. Sometimes I will let my window down a little to enjoy the fresh country air. I take my time and enjoy all of the scenery and aromas.

I notice how green the trees and fields are and it’s not just green. It’s a deep glossy green and it is so beautiful. All of the ponds and creeks are full of sparkling waters. The flowers are many different colors and so bright in the morning sunshine. The birds and butterflies are all over the place enjoying the life God has provided for them. They look so carefree and happy.

Are you enjoying the life God has provided for you on your journey? Because if you are a Christian, you are on a journey. We are just passing through, for this is not our home. So, our life is a journey until we make it home. God has given us everything we need to make our journey very pleasant, carefree and happy.

Take the time to stop and look at all of the beautiful scenery around you. God has painted such beautiful pictures in our lives. Don’t be in such a hurry that you miss it. Slow down, take your time and enjoy the views, whatever and wherever they may be. God has put all of the right things in the right places just for us. Show your appreciation to God and enjoy it. God Bless 🙂