
Everyday Little Life Things

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How is everybody doing this very cold morning? I pray all is well with you and your family. We are half way through another glorious week and still going strong in the Lord. Praise God.

This morning family, I just want to put a few things on your mind to think about and to praise God for. Sometimes we get so busy in life with work, family, kids and other things. We overlook those little things that we may take for granted, not intentionally but we do. Especially during this covid-19 pandemic and having to stay protected whenever we leave the house. Making sure we wear masks, wash our hands and keep a 6 feet distance from other people when out in public.

Do you ever stop to think for a moment, pause and just say “Thank You Jesus?” Because whether you realize it or not, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for. It’s not always just the big things in life that we see and know it was a blessing from God, but it’s also those small everyday life things that we don’t think about. Like waking up this morning, because someone did not wake up this morning. What about being able to get out of bed and dress yourself, because some people had to have assistance. Will you be able to eat today, whether prepared at home or bought out, because some people will go hungry today. How about going to your job today and being able to support your family, some people are without a job and struggling to support their families.

There are so many other things that I could name, but I think you get the point I am trying to make. Be thankful and grateful for everything, the small things as well as the big things. When you say thank you, just know what you are thankful for. Pay attention to all that is going on around you at home and out in public. Stop and look at your family members and people that you see when you are out. Take the time to pray about little everyday life things, and not just for yourself and your family, but others.

When you leave your home every morning and can return home every evening, that alone should be a “Thank You Jesus” moment. Because there are people that did not return home, for whatever reason. If you haven’t lost any family members to covid-19, that is a “Thank You Jesus” moment, because so many families have lost loved ones to this horrific virus. I bet if you took just a few minutes and thought about your entire day, from the beginning to the end. There would be a lot of little everyday life things you could be very thankful for. Little things that we don’t even pay attention to, things that we may be taking for granted. Think about it and then say thank you to the One that makes it all possible. God Bless 🙂

Lord, help me to be thankful and grateful for all of the little everyday life things. Things that I may have taken for granted unaware. I know that all of my blessings come from you, whether big or small, knowing or unknowing, seen or unseen. You are an amazing God and my life is in Your hands and I say thank You for all that You do. Amen


  • Sedricka Robinson

    Yes Lord thank you for evert you have done for me and mines and just to wake up and open my eyes and breath is a blessing so Thank You Lord