
Eyes Have Not Seen Ears Have Not Heard

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family and how are we doing this awesome morning? It’s probably a little warm where you as it is here, although it is still an awesome day in the Lord. I saw a sign on a church that read, “Hot? Hell is hotter,” very good point. If you can’t take this heat, you need to make sure your home destination is Heaven. Praise God.

I was reading my devotion by Dr. Mark Jones, and he said a lot of things that stuck with me, he made a lot of good valid points. He said, “We must have the ears and eyes of our heart open to God, expecting to hear and see Him, and being ready to obey. We can prepare our heart to receive from the Lord by knowing His Word, by taking time to listen to the Holy Spirit, and by desiring to hear from Him. As we spend time with God, He places His desires in us. His heart becomes our heart. This is the foundation of hearing His voice and becoming a good listener.” The entire devotion was very good, but this right here stuck. This is why I love reading my devotions during my morning prayer time, because I may read something that I am already aware of. Hearing it another way opens up new ways of thinking and acting on it. Because we all see and hear things differently and when we share what we have saw and heard differently, it may very well be a blessing to someone else.

I so agree with what Dr. Mark Jones said, “We must have the ears and eyes of our heart open to God, expecting to hear and see Him, and being ready to obey.” This is what I have talked about so many times in past blogs, we have to obey. We have to get in the Word of God and read and study with expecting hearts and ready to be obedient to whatever He instructs us to do. God is not going to tell us anything wrong and what He tells us, if for our benefit not His. All we have to do is go before Him, get in His presence, listen, believe, trust and obey. God is faithful to His Word and His Word will not return to Him void. Isaiah 55:11 reads, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

1 Corinthians 2:9 reads, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” So, right here, God is telling us He has prepared so many things for His children, we just have to open our eyes and hearts to Him and be obedient. God loves us so much and He wants nothing but the best for us. Just as our earthly parents, they loved us so much and always wanted the best for us. This is why it is important to get in the Word and stay in the Word, so we will know what we are to do and how we are to do, in order to stay in line with His Word. There is not other way around traveling this journey, we have to follow His instructions in everything and all things. Psalm 119:105 reads, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” As I was reading this scripture, there was a little writing underneath it that was so inspiring that I had to share it with all of you. It was another one of those readings that really stuck with me. So, Pastor Mark of Lakeview Church said, “Light is something that is necessary to navigate this world of darkness. We need light to guide us safely through the unforeseen dangers that await us.” Was that not amazing? That said a mouth full. That was good.

Again, this is why I said it is good to share thoughts and things we learn on this journey, because it will always be a blessing to somebody. God knows I am so thankful for Him blessing me and entrusting me with this blog ministry, sharing His Word and talking about Him and sharing things that I read from other people. I feel so blessed and so honored that I was chosen to do this blog and I believe that is why God blesses it and me. That’s why God gets my mornings, because He is first in my life, first in everything and I do mean everything. So, open the eyes and ears of your heart and expect God to show up and show out in your life. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Thanking You for everything and all things in our lives. Help us to always open the eyes and ears of our hearts to listen and be obedient. Give us a heart after Yours, to love You for who You are and not just for what You do. Thank You Father and we love You so much. Amen