
Fall Is In The Air

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a blessed and safe weekend, moving ahead in a new week. Full of God’s grace and mercy, which is new every morning. Enjoying all of these beautiful and cooler Fall days and color changes in the month of October. Thank You Jesus.

Well, as I mentioned earlier, we are in the beginning of the month of October. Fall is absolutely the beginning of my favorite time of the year, with all of the trees changing colors and the weather becoming cooler. Mornings are crisp and a light breeze blows and feels amazing. What a way to start a nice Fall morning, in God’s country.

Although, October is an awesome month. Let’s not forget all of the activities that are carried out. There’s always Fall Festivals at churches and schools, Halloween parties and the all famous Trick or Treat on Halloween night. Everyone dressed up in their favorite costumes and waiting for lots of candy or winning the prize for the best costume.

I know it is late in the month, but I wanted to get a jump on this and not wait until the last minute. The end of October will be here before you know it. Please, please, please keep in mind and don’t forget to be very careful. Even though there are a lot of good people participating in these events, there are also not so nice people whose goal is to cause problems. So, as you are planning your October festivities, please be safe. Do all that you can to keep our little ones safe this month, if you are allowing them to go out. In which I pray that you will choose to do something fun with them at home or your church where they will be safe.

I know this blog is a little different than my normal, but I felt in my heart this needed to be said. So, I just decided to go ahead and say it and get it over with and move on. Putting a few thoughts on your mind that may not have come to you yet. With that being said, I pray you have a safe and blessed week and full of the Joy of the Lord. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. We thank You for this beautiful time of the year when the trees change colors and the weather becomes a lot cooler. Fall is in the air and a lot of different activities will start to come alive. We come to You asking to help Your children to make safe and wise choices and to keep us safe and away from harm and danger. Help us to not just read Psalm 91 but to keep it in our hearts and believe what it says as our Prayer of Protection. Amen