
Fear – False Evidence Appearing Real

Good Wednesday Evening Blog Family. We have made it half way through another glorious week, praise God. So thankful for another day filled with God’s grace and mercy and blessings overflowing. Thank You Jesus.

I apologize for just now posting my blog for today. I started writing it this morning around 6:45, then I had to stop and make an 8:00 appointment out of town. While sitting at my appointment, I started to write again on my tablet that I carry with me. When I arrived home, I was on my computer to finish writing and my website page I write on was blank. So, I had to get in touch with Bluehost twice before they got it back up and running. So, I am just now completing today’s blog post.

Today I would like to talk about something that a lot of people have dealt with and some still dealing with. With the pandemic and all of the crazy things that have been going on in this world. One would think there is definitely reasons to be fearful, but even in all of this, we are still not to fear. Fear is just another tactic the devil uses to distract you and get your attention off of God and His Word. He brings lies to you in a way that produces fear in you, but stop for a minute and see fear for what it actually is. As the title reads, FEAR is false evidence appearing real.

Once you know what fear is, you will begin to look at fearful situations differently. When you stop and think about what it is and treat it as a lie from the devil, it’s not as bad as what you thought. Remember as children being afraid of something in your room at night? During the day that same object that put fear in you at night was nothing but an object in your room during the day. At night it looks like something different than what it actually is, maybe a toy, a piece of clothing hanging on a chair or something else. But, at night it became something scary when the room was dark and then your mind started to let the fear in. Whatever it was, it was only false evidence appearing real, but only in your mind.

So, the next time you allow fear to come in, stop and remember what it is. Look at where it came from and what it is trying to do to you. Know that God does not bring you fear, not the kind that comes from the other guy. Proverbs 9:10 reads “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” The fear of God is talking about having a specific sense of respect and awe for Him , not a trembling fear. This is why once again I always say it is very important not to just read your Bible, but to understand what you read. How can you know how to use what you read and what God is instructing you to do if you don’t understand it. So, please always keep in mind that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real, see if for what it really is and what it is trying to do to you. God Bless 🙂

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