
Finding Peace In The Wind

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far in the Lord. Because God is good all the time and all the time God is good, no matter what. He never changes and His love for His children never changes. Thank You Jesus.

Well, this morning as I was standing and looking out of my back door. Coffee in hand and watching the beautiful fall colored leaves falling from the trees. It looked like it was raining leaves as the wind gently blew through the trees releasing them to fall to the ground or to just blow around in the air for a little bit. Something so simple but so beautiful at the same time.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet by some of my past posts, I love the outdoors and nature. Because these things are made by God and set in place for us to enjoy and I absolutely love it. I can sit and watch the wind blow through the trees for hours and feel so peaceful. Watching the wind blow through the trees reminds me of how awesome God is. Like the wind, you can’t see it but at the same time you know it’s there and if you are in it you can feel it. The same with God, you can’t see Him, but you know He is there and if you are in Him and He in you, you can feel Him.

There’s this big tree in the yard across the street from my house. When I am in my office seated at my computer, that big tree is directly in front of the window. I have sat at that computer and watched the wind blow through that tree many times. As strange as it may sound, when I sit and look at the wind blow through that tree I always think of my Mom. It’s almost like I can see her and feel her in watching the leaves blow in that tree. When the sun is out, the sun rays sit at the top of the tree and it is as if my Mom is smiling down on me. As I said before, I find peace in watching the wind gently blow, as a gentle blow from the mouth of God Himself and it speaks to me every time.

Life is too short not to enjoy all of the simple things. Sometimes we are so busy looking for all of the big things, we overlook the small things right in front of our eyes. There are so many little “God Winks” and “God Whispers” all around us that we get too busy to notice sometimes. Take my advise, slow down and pay attention, you will be surprised and what you have been missing. Go outside in your backyard and just get still, get quiet and just look around you and listen. I have even found happiness in listening to the chirping of a bird early in the morning outside my window, sometimes it even wakes me up. I have even said “Praise Him little bird, praise Him.” Psalm 150:6 reads, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” Beautiful.

So, there’s a lot that can be seen, heard and felt in all that God has placed around us to enjoy. We just have to take the time to slow down and pay attention. God Bless 🙂

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