
Friday’s Prayer

Good Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week in the Lord and ready for the weekend. Resting in the Lord and enjoying a little down time and relaxation. Praise God.

Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that You are so worthy of. Thanking You for a blessed night of sweet sleep and rest in the Lord. Thanking You for another opportunity to come before You in prayer or just to spend that quality time with You asking for nothing. Thank You Father for keeping all of us washed, safe, cleansed and in the Blood of Jesus, all of us from the youngest to the oldest. All of our babies that are daycare and school age all the way to the older ones of us at home, work, on the truck, shopping, or wherever we may be.

Father, we thank You for Your grace and mercy and for Your traveling grace that gets us wherever we go safely and keeps us safe while we are there. You are our refuge and our fortress, in You we trust. We thank You for the mighty angels that You send down daily and nightly to watch over us. Going ahead of us to make our paths are straight and safe and keeping all harm and danger away. The angels are posted at every door, window, entrance and exit keeping harm and and danger away from us and our dwelling places. Because harm and danger is a weapon no matter what form it takes and You said no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So, again Father we say thank You.

We thank You for Psalm 91 which is our Prayer of Protection and for Psalm 103 which is loaded with so many blessings and benefits. We thank You that all of our names are in the Lambs Book of Life. Father. We ask that You continue to protect all of our families, our children, our grandchildren and great grandchildren, our siblings and their families, Mom and Dad and all of our family members, relatives and friends. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray and say Thank You. Amen.