
Friday’s Prayer

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning. Praying everyone’s having a blessed and happy Friday. Feels like a real Fall day this morning, very nice. Got my cup of coffee and apple cinnamon rice cake and ready for Friday’s Prayer. I apologize for being a little late with my blog this morning. But, I had to wait until the storm passed. Don’t like being on the computer when there is lightening in the area. So, today Friday’s Prayer will be a Prayer of Thanksgiving. Please join in, I am sure you have something to be thankful for.

Father God, I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all the Honor, all the Glory and all the Praise. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Thanking You not for just what You do, but for who You are in the lives of Your children. Thanking You for all of the blessings that You continue to shower us with every day. Thanking You for all of the healing’s that have manifested in our lives through Your Son Jesus Christ.

Father, we don’t want to be like the lepers in Luke 17:11-19. The ten lepers Jesus healed but only one came back to say thank you. Not just thanking You for the healing’s but for everything that You do for us. We know that there is nothing that we can do without You and for that we say thank You. When we wake up every morning to be a part of another day You have allowed us to be a part of, we say thank You. Sitting down at our table and enjoying a hot meal, we say thank You. Being able to pay our bills every month, we say thank You. There’s nothing that happens in our daily lives that we should not be saying thank You for.

So, Father we come lifting Holy hands and with a grateful heart saying thank You. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂