
Friday’s Prayer

Good Friday Morning. A very cold Friday morning, if I might add. But still a good Friday morning, why? Because this is still a day that God has made, even if it’s a very cold day. So, we will wrap up and dress accordingly and rejoice and be glad in it anyway. Praise God, Hallelujah and Thank You Jesus. Getting ready for Friday’s Prayer and I am on fire and ready to pray. Today I will be praying for people with any type of addictions. If you have a family member or know anyone with an addiction of any kind, please join in and pray.

Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the the Praise, all of the Honor and all of the Glory. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do, in the lives of Your children. Today Father, I am lifting anyone up to you that’s in bondage with addictions. Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, food, etc. Whatever the addiction may be, I am bringing it to You.

As you already know, there are a lot of people in bondage to things they should not be in bondage to. Some people have these addictions because they enjoy it and others don’t want it but can’t break it on their own. So Father, I am praying for them all to be set free and bondage’s broken. These addictions are causing problems in other areas of their lives. Marriages are being torn apart, homes are being broken apart, minds are being destroyed, health is turning bad and lives are being lost every day.

Father God, we know that there is nothing too hard for You to do. I am well aware that You give everyone a choice. You are not going to over ride their choice to answer my prayer. But, if they are wanting to be set free and not strong enough to do it themselves. Father, please step in and help them step out of that hell they are going through. Touch their minds and hearts to want to turn away from all of it and follow You. Break all bondage’s and set them free, in Jesus name I pray. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂


  • Walter Patrick

    We must understand! Jesus Christ; said in the gospel, the flesh is weak. But our spirit is willing to be obedient to God! Amen. This is why we must be Bornagain, of the water and the Spirit; John, chapter, 3. Verses, 5 & 6. like Jesus, Christ. We. Reign over our flesh through the Word, and the Holy Spirit! We can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Philipians. Chapter. 4 verse, 13. Amen.