
Friday’s Prayer

Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying you and your loved ones have had a safe and blessed week and ready for a fun, relaxing weekend. Keeping God first and up front in everything. Praise God.

Well, today it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and I am ready, how about you? So, it’s almost time for school to start and we need to pray for our children, the teachers and all of the school staff.

Please join in with me this morning for Friday’s Prayer and pray for our children and their upcoming school year.

Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus this morning, Your Son and my Lord and Savior. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do in the lives of Your children. I am not just praying for me and my loved ones, I am praying for Your children and their loved ones all over the world. Trusting and believing You and Your Word in everything.

Father, You know that school is about to start back for our children and Yours. and we are trusting You with the new school year because You know all things. We are trusting You to keep them protected, covered and safe through the Blood of Jesus. Lord we know that You have them in Your Hand. Trusting You to keep them protected in every way they need protecting. You are all knowing and all seeing at all times and this is why we trust You in all things.

Thanking You not for just what You do, but for who You are in the lives of Your children, everyday. You are an awesome God. Praying that all of our children, daycares, schools, teacher and staff are covered in the Blood of Jesus every day all day. Keeping all weapons and harm and danger away, because harm and danger is a weapon no matter what form it may take. No matter what form it comes in, You said no weapon formed against us shall prosper and harm and danger is a weapon. So, it shall not prosper against our children and we say thank You, thank You, and thank You. Thank You for what is already done. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂