
Friday’s Prayer

Good Morning and Happy, Blessed Friday Everyone. Praying we all had an awesome week and ready for the weekend. I am running a little behind this morning and had a few computer issues, so I do apologize for that. Today is Friday’s prayer and I will be praying for the safety of everyone while out shopping during this holiday season. So, please join in with me and pray.

Father God, I come to You this morning in the mighty name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Giving You all of the Praise and Glory and Honor You so rightly deserve. Thanking you not for just what You do in our lives, but for who You are in the lives of Your children.

This morning Father I am coming to You in prayer for the safety of Your children that will be out and about shopping during this holiday season. We are hearing everyday about a woman or child being snatched by these sex traffickers. These evil people are out there lurking around shopping areas, gas stations, and areas where you can easily be caught with your guard down. Busy with the kids are whatever you are doing and not paying attention to your surroundings. Not paying attention to where you are parking and who may be sitting and watching you and your every move.

Father, I come to You in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, placing the Blood of Jesus all over Your children, Placing Your Hedge of Protection around them. Knowing that our Guardian Angels are with each one of us. Father, help us to be more attentive to the things that are going on around us at all times. Not allowing our children to walk away from us and not paying attention to their every move. Help us to watch and pay closer attention to people that are too close to us and our children when we are out. Following us around every corner or isle.

Help us to make it a priority to pray before we leave the house and even in our cars while we are headed to our destinations. Place Psalm 91 on our hearts to pray every day and not just for the holiday season shopping. We need to pray Psalm 91 over ourselves, our children and our families every morning before we step one foot out of the door. Continuously praying all day as we should be doing as Your children.

Thank You and Praising You for what we know is already done in Jesus name. Thank You Father God and we love You. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂