
Friday’s Prayer

Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family have had a safe and blessed week. Also praying that today will be the beginning of a restful and enjoyable weekend. Putting God first and keeping Him in all that you do. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Well, as you all know, today is Friday’s Prayer, which is my favorite blog day. Although, I love posting blogs on Monday through Thursday, talking about and sharing what I believe the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart. I look so forward to Friday’s Prayer, because I am given the opportunity to pray for whatever is put before me. Encouraging others to do the same, everyday.

So, with all of that being said. We will move into our prayer this morning. In which I will be praying for people to stop and take time to pray. We can get so busy with and make time for everything else in this life. But when it comes to stopping or slowing down long enough to spend some time with God in prayer, we don’t have time. Now is the time to make time, so let us pray.

Father God I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Glory and all of the Honor that you so deserve. Thanking You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do. Thanking You for not just what You do, but for who You are in the lives of Your people. We come before You this morning with praise on our lips and thanksgiving in our hearts, as humbly as we know how.

Father, this morning my prayer is to put that fire back in the hearts of your people. That fire that brings us before You and puts us on our knees, seeking Your face. Falling down before You in worship and praise as the all knowing, all seeing and all wise God that You are. God and creator of all things, now and forever more. Coming before you in order to do what You have called us to do. If Jesus knelt down to pray before You, what makes us think we don’t have to. I pray for that desire to want to be in Your presence every chance we get. I pray that we look upon Your face as the all Sovereign God that You are. Not just coming before You to ask for something or complain because our quick in and out prayers haven’t been answered. But coming before You to praise You, worship You, love on You and to spend that much needed time with You in Your presence.

I pray that we come before you with lifted hands and rejoicing because of who You are and not for just what You do or what You give. I pray that we see You as the One who Blesses and not just the blessings. Lord, open our eyes to see things the way You see them and to know Your heart for things. Help us to be the people that You created us to be, people after Your own heart. Being a blessing to others instead of always looking for a blessing. Put it in our hearts to want after the things that You want and to love the way You love. I pray that we will have a thirst that only You can quench, nothing in this world will be able to quench it.

Father God, I thank You and by faith I know that my prayer has already been answered. In the Mighty and Precious Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂