
Friday’s Prayer

Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great week and looking forward to a great weekend as well. Staying safe and under the protection of God at all times. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Well, it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and today I will be praying for everyone to stay safe. Please join in with me.

Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus my Lord and Savior. Giving You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all of the Glory, all of the Honor and all of the Praise. Thanking You for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Thanking You for who You are in the lives of Your children.

As you know, this covid19 is spiraling out of control once again. People just won’t do what they are being asked to do and it is causing problems for everyone. What is so hard about wearing a mask when you go out in public for your protection and the protection of others. Father, this is a very simple instruction, please put it on everyone’s heart to follow these simple instructions. Keeping our mouth and nose covered, staying 6 feet apart and washing our hands is not hard. Why won’t people listen?

Now it has started affecting the day cares. If the parents are not following instructions and they get infected, then they take it home to their families and their kids get infected. Then if their kids go to day care, then the kids in the day care will get infected. My God, My God, when will these people wake up? Their actions are affecting not only their families but everyone else’s family as well. Lord, protect our babies, keeping them covered in the Blood of Jesus.

Now we are looking at this 4th of July weekend and everyone wanting to get out and celebrate. A lot of places are closing down for the weekend just so people will not gather. You would think they would just not gather because they have been instructed not to because of the spread of covid19. Father God, we need You so very much. You are the only one that will be able to get us out of this mess that has been created down here. People being disobedient to You and to officials. Lord help us in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂