
Friday’s Prayer

Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray that this week has been a good week for you and your family. I also pray that you were given an opportunity to be a blessing to someone that God put in your path. We are blessed everyday and we are blessed to be a blessing. So, with today being Friday, I am ready for Friday’s Prayer. Today I will be praying for our Mother’s of Special Needs Children. Whether you are a mother of a special needs child or you know someone who is, please join me in prayer.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Giving You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all of the Honor, all of the Glory and all of the Praise. I come before you today lifting up all of our Mother’s with special needs children that you have placed in their care. I single out the mother’s because they are usually a lot more involved with the children than the Father’s. Although I am praying for both parents of these special children.

Father, You know that I have a special needs granddaughter and she is definitely a very special little girl with autism. You and I both have seen her on her good days and on her not so good days. We have seen what her Mother goes through every single day and sometimes it is not easy. I have read other stories from other Mother’s as well, and it is not easy. I pray for these Mother’s to be strengthened in every way that they need to be strengthened. I pray that You will keep them filled with Your Joy and Your Peace. In Nehemiah 8:10 it says “The joy of the Lord is your strength and in Philippians 4:7 it says “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” So, I pray that they will continue to have Your Joy and Your Peace in loving these special children.

Lord, these children are still children and they need to be loved and cared for just like any other child. Allow them to be loved and cared for by those special mother’s you have entrusted over them and not harmed in any way. There are times, these mother’s wrestle with their child all do if that child is not having a good day. There is also a possibility that mother’s will be up all night when that child is not sleeping for whatever reason. Then there may be those days when that child cries for hours and no one knows why. Cleaning up after that child is an all day thing, never ending at times. Pacifying that child when the grocery store is out of the one food they eat every day, not an easy thing to do. When this child is sick and they can’t tell you what is wrong or what hurts can tug at the heart and when they are not verbal and you can’t figure our what they are trying to tell you. All of these things are heart breaking for a mother, but she doesn’t stop being a mother, she figures it out along with a lot of praying.

So Father, I am asking You to bless these women who did not have a choice to become the mother of a special needs child. They accepted this child and became the loving and caring mother this child needed in their lives. I pray and ask You to give these mother’s everything they need in order to be the mother these special needs children deserve. Lord, I pray these Mother’s will continue to come to You for guidance as how You want them to care for these special children. Touch these mother’s and their special children in a way that only You can. Thank You Father in advance for what I know by faith is already done. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen, Amen, and Amen. God Bless 🙂