
Getting Back To The Basics

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Waking up to another beautiful day that God has blessed us with. Another opportunity to come before Him once again and say Thank You for all He has done for His children. Thank You Father.

I had the opportunity to attend Sunday School and Church Sunday morning since I am not on the truck right now. In which I so enjoyed both very much. Our Sunday School lesson was “Back To The Basics” and it was a very good lesson. It was a lesson to remind us how much we complicate things as Christians, just as the Israelites did in the Bible. Complicating things and making things hard on themselves because of disobedience to God. Just as we as Christians do today.

God gave us all of the instructions we would need to live this Christian life when He gave us the Bible, His Holy Word. There’s nothing we will face or go through that the answers or solutions can’t be found in the Bible. God knew what we would go through and the answers were already provided for us. All we have to do is get in the Bible, read and study as we should be doing. God didn’t just create us and then just left us to figure all of this out by ourselves. He had put a plan in place to lead and guide us on this Christian journey we call life. We just have to follow Him and be obedient to what He instructs us to do. No grumbling and complaining, just obedience.

We as God’s children are quick to go to Him in prayer and asking for things or for Him to do something. When He gives us instructions, we don’t follow them. When He leads us to scriptures, we don’t read them. When He sends a messenger, we don’t listen. Then we wonder why our prayers aren’t being answered. It’s because we continue to make this life hard and difficult with our disobedience to God. We have to keep it simple, get back to the basics and be obedient. It’s just that simple, God made it easy, we made it hard. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise and glory that rightly belongs to You. Thank You for the Bible, our instructions for this life You have blessed us with. Help us to be obedient and follow Your instructions daily. We live You. Amen

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