
Getting Healthy God’s Way

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray that all of you and your families are having a blessed day in the Lord. That you took time this morning to spend some time with the Father before starting your day. Praise God.

After a week off from posting and blogging, I am back and with some awesome things to share with all of you. As some of you probably already know, sometimes we have to step away from things to gain new perspectives and to be refreshed in order to be the best we can be at what we have been given to do. So, I am back this week and ready to start up again. I pray that all of you stayed in the Word and maybe even went back and read some of the older blog posts. I do that from time to time, I will go back and read some of the older blog post and have actually been blessed. I have even reposted some of them and just updated them and added more to them.

As I am sure many of you are facing some of the same issues I am facing in my everyday life and one of those issues is trying to lose a little weight, exercise and to eat a little more healthier. Well, in doing some reading on this, God blessed me to come across a very well educated person in this area by the name of Cathy Morenzie. As I was reading more about her and what she was saying, I found out that she had 10 devotions on YouVersion, the Bible app on my phone where I find all of my devotions I read every morning. So, I went and pulled up all 10 of her devotions and started reading them and let me tell you, I was so blessed. I had to stop and thank my Heavenly Father for leading me to her, because He knew that her teachings was exactly what I needed for this health journey I am on.

I have read about a lot of different things to do when trying to do what I am trying to do, but never have I read what I am reading now. It was so amazing that I had to share this new found information with all of you just in case you are also on a health journey. Now, I am presently reading the 10 devotions on YouVersion but she also has books where these devotions were taken from if you wanted to get the books. The devotions are, “Love God, Lose Weight; Pray Powerfully, Lose Weight; Get Active, God’s Way; Rest, Restore and Rejuvenate; Plan Properly, Lose Weight; Healthy Eating, God’s Way; Sugar-Free and Spirit-Filled; Let God, Lose Weight; Boundaries Are Blessings; and Weight Loss, God’s Way.”

When I tell you she is truly a blessing with all of this information on doing what I am doing God’s way. Now I have done the Daniel Fast in the past and it was a blessing as well. This way is not just for a certain length of time, it is a whole new way of life. She teaches instead of focusing of food, what to eat and what not to eat, to put more of your focus on God and His Word. She talks about all of these issues that we deal with in our health, our eating habits, our moving our bodies and etc., then she gives scripture to back up what she is saying. She gives prayers and different things for you to do and questions for you to ask yourself and then answer to get a better understanding. This is truly a blessing to me and I am sure it will be to you as well.

So, I pray that you will go and check out the devotions on YouVersion by Cathy Morenzie and be blessed. Have a wonderful, safe and blessed day in the Lord and remember to keep Jesus first in all things. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the glory and all of the honor that belongs to You. We thank you so much for talking care of us and loving us the way You do. Even though You are such a good, good Father when it comes to taking care of us, we know that we have our part to do as well. We are to do what we can do and trust You to do what we can’t do or have not control over. So, Father we ask that You will continue to equip us with the tools that we need to be able to do our part and be successful. Thank You for blessing us with Cathy Morenzie, one of Your children to help us to get our temples in order and keep it that way. Amen