
Getting Ready To Move

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you and your families are having a continued safe and blessed week. Walking in the Favor of God and covered in the Blood of Jesus. It just doesn’t get any better than that. Praise His Holy Name.

Well, we have one more day in this year 2020 and we will be moving into to the new year 2021. I don’t know about you, but I am very excited to see what God has in store for His children in 2021. So, I am going into 2021 full of expectations of all that I know my Heavenly Father has waiting for me.

My daughter shared with me last night that she has informed her family of a few things. They will not be caring anything negativism, no evil or bad spirits, or any problems from 2020 into 2021. They are leaving all the unhappy and negative things in the past, looking forward to a bright new future. I thought that was a pretty good idea and that I needed to share that with all of you. Not only for yourself but for you families as well, children, spouses, other family members and friends. This is something to put on their minds if they have not already thought of it. Leave 2020 behind and move fresh and clean into 2021.

Even if you have to ask God to help you not to carry things into the new year that you need to let go of. Trust me, He will help you do whatever it is you need to do. God’s Holy Spirit is always available to us 24/7, all we have to do is talk to Him. So, helping you to successfully move into the new year not bogged down with problems from 2020 is not too hard for Him to do, just ask Him.

So, the next time I post a blog, it will be on Friday and the first day of 2021. That will be Friday’s Prayer and I am excited to pray our first day of the new year in. Have a safe and blessed rest of the week and I will meet with you again next year. God Bless 🙂

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