
Give God All Of Yourself

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Have you had your time with the Father this morning before starting your day? I pray that you did. Thank You Jesus.

Well, I have had my prayer time this morning and just finished making me a good cup of coffee. Getting ready to write my blog and spend a little time with all of you this very cool Fall morning. Praise God.

This morning I want to talk a little bit about how much of ourselves we give to God. I’m not just talking about how much time we give Him. I’m talking about our body, heart, mind and soul, mentally, physically and emotionally. That totally surrendering giving of ourselves to God. Where we leave nothing out, we give our everything. Being totally and completely committed to God in every area of your life. Being very devoted in serving Him and having that unconditional love for Him. Mark 12:30 reads, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” This is the first commandment.

Giving of ourselves to God should be continuous everyday, allowing Him to have first place. Coming before everybody and everything and in the midst of our daily lives. Worshiping, praising and talking with Him throughout your day. Acknowledging Him and showing your appreciation for all He does for you. Living your life in a way that pleases Him that says, “Yes God to Your Will and Your Ways.” Honoring Him in all of your decisions and choices by first asking yourself, “what would Jesus do?”

Giving ourselves to God should be something we look forward to everyday. When He allows us to wake up every morning, that’s another opportunity to give ourselves to Him. I don’t know about you, but when I think about to whom I am giving my all to and all that He gives back because of my obedience. I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about who God is and how much He loves and cares for me. We should love God with every fiber of our being and do everything for His Glory. That’s the kind of God we serve, a Mighty God.

We should be submissive to Him in all of our ways and in all that we do. Seeking Him and communing with Him every single day that He gives us. Getting before Him in His presence and spending time with Him, just to hear what He has to say. Not always going before Him to ask for something, but to give of ourselves to Him. If we made sure that we kept God in everything we did or said, can you imagine the life we would be living? My God, My God.

Remember, God gave His all when He gave us His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He didn’t hold back anything, He gave it all. As His children, we should do the same, holding back nothing, giving Him all of us. God didn’t give us part of Jesus, He gave us all of Him. So, we shouldn’t give God part of us, we should be willing to give Him all of us. Think about what He gave us and think about what we give Him. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Lord, help us to give You all of us every single day. Holding back nothing from You. Remembering what You gave us and looking at what we are giving You. Help us to give You all of us. Thank You Father. Amen

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