
Give God Your First and Best

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a safe and blessed weekin the Lord so far. Praise His Holy Name.

This morning I want to talk about giving God your first and best in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Giving God your best life, your best self, your best time, your best tithe (10% or more), your best offering, your best love, your best praise and worship, your best everything. Giving Him the first of everything and not the leftovers. You know how we get all of our things out of the way first and then we give God whatever is left over. When we give God our first and our best and not our leftovers. It shows God that we trust and value Him above and beyond everything else.

Keep in mind also, that when you give your best to God. He does not look at the size of what is given to Him, He focuses on the heart behind what was given to Him. Where man looks at the size of what is given, God looks at the heart of the person giving. Colossians 3:17 reads, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

No matter what you are doing or giving to God, make sure it is your first and your best. Your mess or your leftovers are not pleasing to Him. Read about Cain and able in Genesis 4. God was pleased with Cain’s offering but not pleased with Abel’s offering. Think about when He gave us His first and His best which was His Son Jesus Christ. So, the next time you give to God, stop and think about what He gave us. That alone should make you want to give your first and your best. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Thanking You for loving us the way you do. Help us to always put You and keep You first in our lives. Giving You our first and best of everything. Because You gave us Your first and best. We thank You and we love You. Amen