
God And All Of His Beauty

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. This is such a beautiful and awesome day and I pray you are enjoying the same way that I am. This is the day the Lord has made and we should be rejoicing and being glad in it, no matter what. Praise God.

I have been back out here on the road with my husband for about a month and a half now and let me tell you, God’s beauty is amazing. I haven’t been out here with him for a few months because of other things I had going on at home. In these six weeks I have been out here, I have started to see the color changes in some of the trees and I can’t wait. Seeing the changing of the seasons in all these different states are absolutely breath taking. The colors are so perfect and beautiful and just another way of many ways God shows off His awesomeness.

When I am on the truck, I tend to do a lot more reading and studying the Word than I do when I am at home. I usually bring a few books along with my Bible and then of course I have my tablet and lap top and phone. I am reading my books and my Bible, looking up scriptures, reading my devotions, listening to my praise and worship music and writing my Blogs. For some reason, when I am in the midst of all of God’s beauty like I am out here on the open road. It’s not hard to get in His presence because of all of the beauty that surrounds me. The beautiful bodies of water, the mountains, the clouds, the sunsets and the sunrises, the rain, the seasonal changes, the deserts, the smells and I could go on and on.

This is why I have suggested if you can, to get outside and read, pray, listen to praise music or just spend some quality time with God, in His presence. I know that you can praise and worship God anywhere, but being outside in the midst of Nature and His creation, it just adds something to it. For me, it’s being under the open Heavens with nothing between me and my Heavenly Father. It just seems I am a little bit more closer to Him that way than in the house, that’s just my own thoughts.

In doing a little research on scriptures that talk about God’s beautiful creation and His nature, I came across some beautiful short writings that explains the scripture and I would like to share a few.

Psalm 19:1 reads, “The heaven declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” The writing that explains reads, “Every flower, every blade of grass, every tree is a testimony to His greatness. Even the animals are a testimony to His power and majesty. When you take the time to really look at nature, it’s easy to see how great God is.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11 reads, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” The writing that explains reads, “This verse is a reminder that, although we may not always understand it, everything happens for a reason. We may not be able to see the beauty in nature at first glance, but if we take the time to look closer, we will see that everything is interconnected and has a purpose. Just as God has a plan for our lives, He also has a plan for nature.”

Psalm 145:5 reads, “They speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty-and I will meditate on your wonderful works.” the writing that explains reads, “This verse is a reminder of the goodness of God and His constant care of His creation. In nature, we see the evidence of His handiwork. The beauty of a sunset, the perfect symmetry of a snowflake, the ordered chaos of a beehive- all things point to a Creator who is wise and powerful beyond our understanding. When we take the time to appreciate the natural world around us, we are blessed with a glimpse of the divine.

Wow, that says it all, God is so great and so awesome. So, get out in the midst of God’s beautiful creation and enjoy, He created it for us. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, glory and honor that belongs to You. Thanking You for all the You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit do for us everyday on our life journeys. Thanking for the beauty that You created and surrounded us with to enjoy. Help us to see it in its fullness and to capture and intake everything that is there. You are such a good and gracious God and we love You so much and for all that You have given us to enjoy here on earth, a little piece of the divine. Amen

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