
God Created Masterpieces

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. This morning was cold and raining in my location, so if it is the same where you are, dress to keep warm and stay dry. Praise God.

I am sitting here at my kitchen table with a very good hot cup of coffee in my favorite coffee cup. Having my morning prayer time with my Heavenly Father, reading my devotions for the day, and now sitting down to write my blog. Even though it is raining and cold outside, this is still such a beautiful morning. Because when I think about how good God is to me and how much He loves me, how can it not be a beautiful morning, every morning. God is good all the time and all the time God is good, no matter what else may be going on. He never changes, He is always the same. Malachi 3:6 reads ” For I am the Lord; I change not”.

This time of the year is my favorite time of the year. When God changes the scenery all around us. The leaves begin to change to their Fall colors which are absolutely breath taking, before they begin to fall to the ground. The air becomes cold and crisp, full of a charge when you step out into it. In some places there’s snow covering everything, which looks like a soft white blanket full of sparkles when the sun shines on it. Then there are the ice covered trees that are so beautiful as if covered in crystal. Who can paint such beautiful and breath taking scenery, other than God? The master, creating His masterpieces for us to enjoy.

Just like He created us, to be His masterpieces for His pleasure. We are all different colors, different shapes, different sizes and all beautiful in His eyes, just as everything He created. Revelation 4:11 reads, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” (KJV) How awesome is that? So, when I look around at the beauty of the changing seasons and all of God’s creations, it just amazes me. It really depends on how you look at things and people. Two people can look at the same thing and see it in two different ways. I choose to look at things the way God made them to be looked at, through His eyes.

So, this morning wherever you may be, whatever the weather may be doing and whatever people you may be around. Choose to look at everything and everybody through the eyes of God. It will make all the difference in the world. Everything God created is His masterpieces and was made for His pleasure, including you. God Bless 🙂


  • Callie Brown

    What a awesome way to describe God’ s creation that He has entrusted us with it, let us rejoice and give Him the glory due Him. Yes this is a God day. Thank you for your thoughts today.!