
God Is Always On Time

Good Afternoon Blog Family. Well, it’s Wednesday afternoon and what a beautiful day it is. The sun is shining, there’s a cool breeze blowing and the birds are singing and praising God. So, if the birds can sing and praise God, we should be too. Psalm 118:24 reads. “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Jesus.

I wanted to share a little testimony of God always being on time. I had to take my daughter and grand-daughter to a doctor appointment Monday morning. While they were inside, I was sitting in my car reading. I reached over and turned the key on to see what time it was. Well, apparently I forgot to turn the key back off. So, when they came out and I cranked the car up, it just whined a couple of times and then it gave me two clicks. I knew then my battery was down.

Before all of this took place, while they were still in the office and I was reading my book. There was a couple that pulled up and parked beside me, but parked not very straight. I wondered why he parked like that, but just kept reading my book. His wife and baby went into the office and he stayed in the car. So, when my car did not start up I was beginning to think about my options at that moment. I looked up and he had pulled his car up close to my car and was getting his booster cables out of his car. I looked and him and he just smiled and waved, walking toward my car. I let my hood and he attached the cables to both cars and motioned for me to start the car and it started right up. I thanked him and asked God to bless him and his family. Them I immediately thanked God for what happened because I know it was nobody but Him coming to my rescue.

This is why I chose the topic, God Is Always On Time, because He is. I know this was God, because I had not even looked up to see if anyone was around to give me a boost. When my car didn’t start up, he was already in action to help me and get me going. I didn’t even have to ask for help because God had already taken care of it. God knew this was going to happen and he already had it taken care of. That is the kind of God we serve, working things out when we don’t even know there is a thing to be worked out. This is why I get up every morning and go to my prayer closet and have my time with my Daddy. Not just praying for Him to do things, but spending that time with Him because I know He loves me and I want to show Him that I love Him too.

Joshua 1:5 reads, I will not leave you nor forsake you,” and Joshua 1:9 reads, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” So, I try not to worry about things or be afraid, because I know my Daddy is with me wherever I go, and that He will never leave nor forsake me. I find that the more time I spend with Him, the stronger my love, my praise, my worship and my faith becomes for Him. Sometimes when I go in my prayer closet and get in His presence, I don’t even want to come out. I could just stay there all day, it is truly amazing.

So, just spend that much needed time with God and just trust Him that everything will be alright, and it will. God is so good and He loves and cares for us. We are His children and He is our Heavenly Father, that should be enough right there. This is is why I shared this testimony. To remind you that God is in control and He’s got this. God Bless 🙂