
God Is Always With Us, Always

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. This is another beautiful day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Allow everyone you are around today to see Jesus in you. Praise God.

These past 2 days of the New Year have been amazing, each day is more amazing than the day before. I say this because God is so good to me and even though there is not a lot going on, I know that God is still working in my life. It doesn’t always have to be a big thing that happens, a big blessing that you are receiving or a miraculous healing that’s taking place in your life. Sometimes it’s just those quiet times and those little things that no one notices but you. All of sudden having that warm feeling inside or that sudden urge to cry for no reason or remembering something very personal that touches your heart and makes you smile. To me they are like little whispers from God, putting these things on your heart to enjoy.

The other day I took my daughter to the store and while I was sitting in the car waiting on her to come out of the store. The sun was shining and all of a sudden I was taken back to a place where I remembered my Mom and I going to the store on a day just like this. It touched my heart in such a way that I felt that moment and it felt so real to me. My Mom has been in her Heavenly home 4 1/2 years and it still feels like yesterday when she left me. I miss her so much and I still have those moments that makes me cry and feel very sad. Then I have those little God whispers that a warm smile to my heart along with a happy memory of her. That’s why I say God is so good to me because He knows what I need at the exact time that I need it and He always delivers right on time.

When God tells us in Deuteronomy Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I have found this scripture to be so true in my life, because there have been times I have felt the presence of God with me. I know that He is always with us, even though sometimes you may not sense His presence, He is still there. Hebrews 13:5 says, “He will never leaves us nor forsake us” and this is so true. I have found that whatever I am going through, there is a scripture in the Bible that will help me and give me exactly what I am needing at that time.

This is why I am always talking about the importance of reading your Bible and making time to spend with God. He knows what we need even when we don’t know what we are needing. Part of my prayer everyday is asking Him to be what we all need Him to be at the time we need Him to be it. Because sometimes we don’t even know what or how to pray, God already knows and that’s when the Holy Spirit will step in and help you if you ask Him. That is what He is here for, to help you talk with God when you don’t know what to say or how to say it. God has equipped us with everything we need to have the life He has promised us in the Bible. All we have to do is to get in the Word and read and study and He will lead us and guide us.

There are times I will sit and listen to my praise and worship music and sometimes my Mom will come to mind and my heart will hurt and then comes the tears. Even in those times, I know that God is right there with me to comfort me and to love me. No matter what we are going through, He is always right there, being whatever we need Him to be. God is an awesome God and Father and I am so thankful for Him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are such a big part of my life and I wouldn’t even want to imagine my life without Them. Whether I am sad missing my Mom and Dad, missing my Brother or my Mother-in-Love, I now that my Heavenly Father is right there with me and I am so grateful.

If you do not have a personal one on one relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, you need to work on one. That will be the most important relationship you will ever have, I promise you. He is waiting on you. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving you all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for loving us so much and always being with us, never leaving nor forsaking us. You are such a good good God and Father and we love You so much, forever thankful and grateful. Amen