
God Works In Mysterious Ways

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. We have almost made it to the end of another glorious week in the Lord. Lift your hands wherever you and just say thank You Father for allowing me to be a part of another day. Given another opportunity to spend with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Praise Your Holy Name.

This morning I want to share some of the things that my Heavenly Father allows me to experience while I am out walking in the mornings. So, I was out walking and talking to God, spending my time with Him while I am doing my morning walk. There’s this red bird I see every morning and sometimes there are 2 of them. I have heard and read that if you see red birds around that is a sign of angels being on the scene. So, when I walk in the morning the red bird will make its appearance an sit on the wire or on the post and just watch me. I will say Good Morning to my little red friend and acknowledge the angels that are always around me. I always thank God for the little red bird because I also so that it is a sign that my Mom is watching over me from Heaven and that makes my heart very happy.

I remember one morning I was walking and had been for a little bit and I had not seen my red bird. So, I asked God where my little friend was and I had a sudden urge to look up at the top of a very tall utility pole and there he was, sitting up there watching me. I said thank you Father and said Good Morning to my little friend and continued with my walk with a big smile on my face. One morning I was walking and I heard an unfamiliar noise in the wooded area and it startled me a little bit. When I turned around and stared walking back toward the house, my little red bird flew past me and landed on the wire as to say, it’s ok don’t be afraid. So, I said Good Morning, thanked him for showing up and continued my walk knowing everything was good. Why am I telling you about my little red bird friend? Because that is the same way I see God watching over us, even when we may not be aware of His presence. Sometimes we look for God when we can’t feel Him or see Him in things around us, He is there, watching over us and protecting us at all times. I believe that God speaks to me through my little red bird, I believe that my little red bird is a sign that my angels are around me and I believe that my little red bird is a sign that my Mom is watching over me.

This morning I believe I was given an opportunity to give back some of the love and protection that I am given every morning while out walking. Now keep in mind, I walk up and down a fm road in the country that has wooded areas and pastures and tall grass that something could be hiding in and I would not see it. I pray every morning and I know that I am very well protected from all harm and danger, man or animal. So, this morning as I was walking I noticed there was something in the middle of the one of the lanes and it had not moved, even when vehicles were passing by. Then I saw he had poked his head out and I knew it was a turtle, so I was off to the rescue. I wasn’t walking as far down as he was, but I walked down there and scooted hi out of the road away from the passing vehicles so he would not be harmed. I headed him in a direction of safety so when he decided to start off again, he would be headed to safety. I know it was just a turtle, but it was a life that I could help save and I believe I did what I was supposed to do.

We as children of God are to always be on the look out to be a blessing to someone or to help someone in their time of need, even if it’s a turtle. God always watches over us and He watches out for us even when we don’t know we need protecting, He is protecting us. Deuteronomy 31:6 reads, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you or forsake you.” Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” As you can see in the scriptures above, God has our best interest at heart. He loves us and He cares for us and He will never leave us, He is always with us. John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We just have to believe that and trust Him and know that He got us. Do your part and always be on the look out for a chance to allow God to use you, it will make your heart happy. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Saying thank You for always being with us, loving and protecting us at all times. You are so good to us and we love You so much. Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us, You are such a good Father. Help us to open our hearts and allow ourselves to be used by You whenever You want to use us, to help or be a blessing to others. Thank You and Amen.