
God Is Our Refuge and Our Fortress

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you started your day with God and trusting Him with your day. Thank You Jesus.

This morning during my prayer time, I was praying Psalm 91 and immediately the words refuge and fortress jumped out at me. So, I thanked the Holy Spirit for giving my what I was to blog about this morning, because for those 2 words to jump out at me like they did, it needed to be talked about this morning.

Psalm 91:2 reads, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” So, when you read this scripture, what does it say to you? Well, lets break it down and see exactly what the words refuge and fortress mean. Now the definition of refuge is “a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger or trouble.” The definition of fortress is “a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison.” Ok, so let’s see exactly what the meaning of a garrison is “the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it. Then the meaning of a stronghold is “a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.” So, when you put all of those definitions together, you can see exactly what God is doing for us:

He is sheltering us from pursuit, danger or trouble.

He is surrounding us like a strong protected town.

He surrounds us like military troops there to defend us.

He has us in a place that protects us against attacks

So, when you are under any kind of an attack, think about exactly what Psalm 91:2 is saying to you. Think about it in a way as God telling you that He has you sheltered from pursuit, danger or trouble. He has you surrounded as a strong protected town as if by military troops. He has you in this place where He will protect you from any attacks against you. Praise the Name of Jesus.

Now, I don’t know what that says to you, but it tells me that God has me covered and protected at all times from all attacks of the enemy or anyone else or thing that means me harm.  I really believe this is something that someone needed to hear and know, including myself. Because we pray this scripture every time we pray Psalm 91, but do we know exactly what it is saying to us? This is another reason you shouldn’t just sit down and read your Bible just to say you read your Bible. Get in there and look up certain words and find out exactly what God is saying to you. So, now when we read or pray Psalm 91:2, we know exactly what God is doing and how He is protecting us.

I am just a guilty as others as far as sitting down and reading my Bible and not taking it a step further to dig deep and find the treasures in His Word. That’s why I always say these blog posts are not just for you, they are for me too. Because this morning after I was given those 2 words to blog about, that was like the Holy Spirit telling me to find out what these words meant because I needed to know exactly what we have found out this morning. So again, I thank You Holy Spirit for always teaching me the things I need to know in the Lord. Praise God.

So, now that we know and understand Psalm 91:2 a little more in depth, we can know just how much God protects us and our family and loves ones daily. God is an awesome God and He loves us so much, how can you not love Him and live in obedience to His Word. Get in your Bible and read and study and find out exactly what God is saying to you. If you don’t understand it, ask the Holy Spirit and He will help you. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for all of Your protection that You surround us with daily. Thank You for loving us just that much. Amen