
God Is So Good

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and how are you this morning? I am praying that all of you have been with our Father this morning. Whether it was in prayer or just spending the morning with Him, either way is very good. Praise His Holy Name.

Have you just ever stopped and really thought about just how good God is? Not just good to you but how good He is in general. My husband and I were doing our devotion Wednesday morning and it was talking about the word good and how we use it to describe God and other things in our life.

In church and out of church, we hear people saying “God is good all the time and all the time God is good.” Well, whether we believe it or not or just repeating what we hear. It is still a very true statement, because when you think about what is being said. Ask yourself this question, “When is God not good?”

No matter what the situation may be, it could be good or bad. GOD IS STILL GOOD! It could be and is in the middle of a pandemic. GOD IS STILL GOOD! It could be in the middle of a marriage that seems to be falling apart. GOD IS STILL GOOD! It could be in the middle of a health crisis that doesn’t seem to be getting any better. GOD IS STILL GOOD! It could be that rebellious child that seems to get worse the more you pray. GOD IS STILL GOOD! It could be in the middle of a good life and everything is good. GOD IS STILL GOOD!

The point I am trying to make here is, GOD IS STILL GOOD AND GOD IS STILL GOD! I can’t say it any plainer than that. GOD is who He is and God does what He does and when you think about it, it should make your heart smile. At least it does mine. So, sometimes, just stop and think about how good God really is and I promise a smile will appear on your face. I know it probably does on His. Praise His Holy Name. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior and Your Son. Thanking You for this day and allowing us to be a part of it. Father, You are a Good God and Father and we love You so much. Thank You for being so good to us all of the time. Whether we see it or not, You are always good to us, no matter what. Thank You Father and Amen.

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