
God See’s,God Hears and God Knows

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. This is another day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. No matter what is going on around you, this is still another day that God has made and He doesn’t make mistakes. So, regardless of what you are facing today, rejoice and be glad in this day. God made this day and He will get you through this day. Praise God.

This morning my blog is for my sisters in Christ. I know, I usually don’t single out any one group, but I have to do what I am being led to do. This morning during my prayer time and talking to God about some things that were weighing very heavy on my heart. I believe the Word I received was to be shared in my blog this morning. This is why it is so important when someone is on your heart to pray for, you should make sure you go before the Lord in prayer for that person. Because there may be something that God wants you to do for or say to that person. So, always be very sincere in your prayer and time with God and listen to what He has to say.

I want to speak this morning to the wives that may be going through some tough times right now in your marriage. When I say tough times, I am speaking of wives that are being abused (physically, verbally or mentally), disrespected, talked down to, not loved, not appreciated, belittled, used and I could go on and on. Being a wife means that these things are coming from your husband, which should not be. These things happen and they happen every day to good women, and some of these women belong to God, His daughters.

You may ask, if I am a child of God, then how and why is my marriage so miserable and I am so unhappy? Well, did you allow God to choose your husband for you or did you take it upon yourself to choose him yourself? Are you equally or unequally yoked with your husband? Did you find out if your husband belonged to God before you made the decision to belong to him? I heard a Pastor say, “You should be so connected to God, that the only way a man can get to you is to go through God.” Can you imagine the kinds of marriages we would have if we all lived by that?

When I got married, I was a Christian and I had a good relationship with God. Yet, I failed to ask Him about the man that I was getting ready to marry. Although, I was so in love with this man and I just had to have him, God allowed me to have him. We all know that when we don’t listen, God will allow us to have what we are so badly wanting. Then after we get in it, we start to ask God what happened, why is everything so wrong? Because, we did’t talk to Daddy about it first. Thank God, He is so loving and forgiving and still wants what is best for us, even when we don’t listen to Him. Even when we allow ourselves to get in things that we have no business being in. God is still standing there with open arms.

I am so thankful to God that my marriage is a lot better than it started out to be. We will have been married for 18 years in October, and it has not all been easy. I did not have to put up with the physical, mental or verbal abuse some of my sisters have to put up with now. But, there were other problems that I had to deal with, but God. He is so good and so gracious and He was there for me during those trying times and He is still here today. The only difference is now, I talk to Him about everything, including my husband and my marriage. I seek Him on the big things as well as the little things and He always comes through. Maybe not how I thought He would come through, but He comes through and that is all that matters.

So, all of my Sister’s in Christ that may be going through some challenging times in your marriage right now. Just know, that God sees, God hears and God knows about all of what you are going through. Give it all to Him, your concerns, your feelings, your marriage, your husband, give it all to Him. God knows what you are in need of even when you don’t or just can’t see clearly about things. Maybe you can’t think straight, or you don’t know what to do at this point, or you are just confused and lost. God knows and He loves you and He cares for you and everything that has anything to do with you. Stay connected to God and trust Him, He is there with you all of the time. Get before God alone, just you and God and seek His face, He will meet you in that place right where you are. Let Him wrap His arms around you and love on you, like a Father does his daughter.

I pray that this blog helped someone this morning. Just stay connected to God, seek His face and stay in the Word. Deuteronomy 31:6 reads, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave your nor forsake you.” He knows everything you are going through and you have done everything that you know to do. Now trust God to do what only God can do. Give your husband and marriage to God, take your hands off of it (no fussing or getting angry), get out of God’s way because He does not need your help. Open yourself up to God, talk to Him, listen to Him and obey Him. Whatever He instructs you to do or not to do, to say or not to say, just be obedient whether you understand it or not. You are His daughter and believe me, He’s got you and your best interest at heart. God Bless 🙂