
God Will Never Leave Your Nor Forsake You, Ever

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone has been doing great and staying connected to our Heavenly Father. I apologize again for not posting any blogs for the past week, but there has been so much going. Even in the midst of everything my family and I have been going through, God is still good and still in control. Thank You Jesus.

Just in the past couple of weeks, my knee became very swollen and I could not walk, my mother-in-love went home to be with the Lord, my sister-in-love, my husband and myself tested positive for covid. When I tell you these past two weeks have been trying, we have been going through some stuff on top of grieving. It doesn’t matter what happens or what you are going through, God will get you through it all if you just stay connected to Him. No matter how bad things seemed to be, God was right there and He allowed Himself to be felt. God is so good and He loves us so much. Praise the name of Jesus.

The whole three years I have been blogging, my main topic is always keeping God first in your life and in everything you do. Keep Him before everybody and in the midst of everything, every single day, not just on Sunday’s. Be thankful and appreciative for your life and all that our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has done, doing and will do. I was talking to my Father this morning and thanking Him that even though we had covid, he was bringing us through it, because I lot of people didn’t. So, I had to say thank You for keeping us. Thank You Jesus.

So, I know I didn’t post much this morning, but things will get back to normal. Just wanted to start back up again today. So, have a good day in the Lord and I will be back in the morning. God Bless 🙂


Father God, I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Glory and all of the Honor that belongs to You. Thank You for keeping us and loving us the way You do. We are so thankful and appreciative of who You are in our lives and we love You so much. Amen, Amen and Amen.