
God’s Restoration Plan Is Amazing, Look At The Roses

Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. We have reached the middle of the week and still going strong in the Lord. Thank You Father for leading and guiding us daily, thank You, thank You and thank You.

So, I this afternoon I would like to share a Word with you that I believe the Lord dropped in my spirit Monday morning. I was sitting out on my patio enjoying my time with God and having my cup of coffee. Working on my blog and enjoying the morning that was full of sunshine, a nice cool breeze, birds chirping, squirrels playing, butterflies fluttering and the dew on the grass shining like diamonds. It was a spectacular morning and God was showing out, so beautiful.

Next to my patio I have 2 large rose trees, they are not bushes because they are much taller than bushes. They are full of big red roses and when I walk out of my patio door, that is what I smell, those beautiful roses. I was sitting at the table and had just finished writing my blog, listening to praise music and talking to God about some things on my heart. I glanced over at my roses and noticed the petals that were lying on the ground beneath the trees. Just as I was looking at the petals on the ground, there was a very good Word dropped in my spirit and I know it was God because of what I was just talking to Him about.

Just as I was looking at the rose petals on the ground, He said when the wind and rain come against the roses, the whole rose doesn’t fall off, just a few petals. After the storm and the rose bush has been restored, the roses come back bigger, stronger, more vibrant and more beautiful than before the storm. He said that is the same with people, when they are going through a storm, the wind and rain doesn’t knock them down. It knocks off the stuff that should not be on them, it falls off to the ground. When that stuff has fallen off and they have allowed Me to restore them. They will come back bigger, stronger and better than ever than they were before the storm.

I thought that was amazing how He used my beautiful roses as an example of what happens when we go through a storm. Whatever He strips you of, let it fall to the ground and don’t pick it up and put it back on. If it falls off during the storm, apparently it was not supposed to be on you in the first place because it was not attached permanently. After you go through whatever storm you are going through, let God restore you and come out better than you ever were before. He makes old things new. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all the You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do in the lives of Your children. Thank You for restoring us after we have gone through a storm. You are an amazing God and Father and we love You so much. Thank You for leading and guiding us in our daily lives, You lead and we will follow in obedience. Amen.