
Happy Valentine’s Day

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning. I pray everyone had an awesome week. Planning for a wonderful weekend, especially for tonight since it is Valentine’s Day, the day of love. I know we usually do Friday’s Prayer today, but today I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day.

A day set apart for love and sharing that special love with your special love. That one person that makes your heart beat a little faster when they are around. Maybe it’s the butterflies in the stomach or feeling like you could melt when they touch you, and lets not talk about the kiss. We don’t want to forget the look, you know the look I’m talking about, yes that one. However that special person makes you feel, enjoy it today and every day. As much as you love that special person in your life, whether a husband or wife, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or just a very special friend. Make sure to give back that same love and affection that you have been given. Don’t just be a taker, but be a giver as well.

But in the midst of Valentine’s Day and all of the love sharing. Let’s not forget the One that first loved us and gave His life for us. Yes, Jesus was our first real love. 1 John 4:8 reads, “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is Love.” John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Again, that’s real love.

For all of you that may not have that special someone in your life and you hate this time of year. Don’t, because you can still get that same glass of wine, light those same candles and sit in your chair and talk to Jesus, your first Love. Make this day special for Him because He made everyday special for you. Happy Valentine’s Day Jesus, I love you!

So, once again I would like to wish everyone a Very Happy Valentine’s Day. May your day be filled with love, but not just today, everyday. God Bless 🙂

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