
Is Your Spring/Spiritual Cleaning Done?

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a great week so far, I know I am. It has been very hot where I am, but the days are still blessed and full of the goodness and mercy of God. Whether it is hot or cold, God is still God and He is still Good. Praise His Holy Name.

Well, we made it through Spring and Summer is now upon us. Usually when Spring begins, that is when we do our Spring cleaning around the house. There’s the cleaning out of closets, rooms, attics, basements, garages, yards and etc. Whatever has been sitting around all year cluttering, collecting dust and taking up much needed space. Ends up being given away, donated, thrown away or put in a garage sale. Have you ever stopped to think about Spring cleaning your personal house, your temple? Making more room for the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

This made me think about a Spiritual Cleansing of our Temple, you know the place where the Holy Spirit dwells. What do we have that has been sitting around on the inside of us cluttering our hearts and our minds. Not doing us any good to keep it or trying to hold on to it. Sometimes even causing other problems within us. Clutter that may be causing stress, sickness and disease, bad attitudes, ill feelings toward someone, unhealthy thoughts, bad habits and the list could go on and on.

Unhealthy thoughts that we should not be thinking, bad attitudes that we need to adjust, dirty language that we need to clean up, old relationships that are being held on to but should be let go of, ill feelings toward someone that needs to be forgiven, bad habits that are doing nothing good for us. There are all types of bondage’s that need to be broken and ties that need to be untied. Even unhealthy eating habits and not exercising, not taking care of our bodies is a very bad habit that needs to be cleaned up as well. Gossiping about someone behind their back is another addition to the cleanup list. Take a minute and think about all of the things you have allowed in your temple that should not be there. Just as you have control over who or what comes in and out of your home, you have that same control over who and what you allow in your temple.

Ask God to remove everything that is not of Him. To remove everything that He did not place in you. Ask Him to fill you with more of Him. Your prayer should be, “Lord, more of You and less of me.” He will give you the right thoughts, the right attitude, the right feelings, will power to say no to unhealthy foods, the right habits, a clean mouth and a forgiving heart. He will fill you with so much of His Love that it will overflow onto everyone you come in contact with, if you ask Him. Now how awesome would that be? Even though Spring begins in March and will be over in June, which is another couple of weeks. We can start our Spiritual Cleansing right now, right where you are. This type of cleaning can be done year round, any day, week or month. So, take time and make a list of things that you need to get rid of and ask the Holy Spirit to help you if you need to. I am sure He will enjoy all of the extra room He will have in your temple. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior and Your Son. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. We ask that You lead and guide us in this much needed spiritual cleansing of our temple. Getti g rid of e everything from the crowns of our head to the soles of our feet. Getting rid of everything You did not place in us, more of You and less of us. Thank You and we love You. Amen