
Having a God Morning Every Morning

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you and your families and friends are staying safe and staying connected to God, highly favored and blessed beyond measure. Praise God.

This morning I would like to talk a little bit about why it is so important to start our mornings and days with God. I know that I have posted blogs on this topic in the past, it is on my heart to talk about it again this morning. Apparently there are some dear hearts that need to be reminded how important this is to your entire day. Even if we have to go to bed a few minutes early at night in order to get up a few minutes earlier in the mornings, it is so well worth it. Just that morning visit with our Heavenly Father can make all the difference in your day, I promise.

I am aware that a lot of us have husbands, children and other morning to do’s, and they can still be taken care of after that few minutes you spend with God. Believe it or not, that time spent with Him first can make the rest of your morning so much easier. Going off to work in the mornings to face whatever challenges are ahead, spending that time with the Father before you go will be worth every minute. It’s like this, when you give Him the first few minutes of your morning and your day, He equips and prepares you for whatever is ahead of you. It doesn’t matter what it is, the unruly toddler, the unorganized spouse or child, traffic, not so happy boss, that unsaved co-worker, that complaining lunch partner, that difficult project you have been given to complete, whatever it may be. That time with God in the morning can change the direction of everything and you will have a blessed day no matter what.

That’s why I named my blog site “agodmorning,” because that what we all should be having, God Mornings. Why, because if we are children of God, then why would you not want to spend time with Him in the morning before you start your days. You need to get before Him and listen for your instructions for the day, to find out what you should and should not do, or should and should not say. Sometimes it is good to just get before God and just be quiet and listen and not always do all of the talking. There are probably a lot of blessings I have missed out on because I would not stop talking and just be quiet and listen to see if He had anything to say to me. I sit down, start talking (praying about things) and when I finish, get up and go. No, that is not what we should be doing, we have to give Him time to speak as well. Always look at talking with God as a two way conversation, just as you would if you were talking to someone else.

When I was at home every morning, I would get out of bed and do my personal things to get myself ready to go before my Father. Because I don’t just go before Him any kind of way, I make myself presentable like I do when I am going out in public. Then, I make my cup of coffee and my time with Him begins. Now that I am on the truck with my husband, nothing has changed. I still get up in the mornings and make myself presentable to my Father and make me a cup of coffee and my time with Him begins. After I have had my personal prayer time with Him, my husband and I have our morning prayer and devotion time. As He is driving, I start with a prayer, read and discuss our devotions and then he does the ending prayer. It doesn’t matter where you are in the mornings, you should always make time for God before you make time for anything else. I promise you will see the difference in your day.

Psalm 5:3 reads, My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up.” Yes, this is what we should all be doing as children of God, saying Good Morning and directing our voices to Him first thing in the morning. Not just going before Him to ask for things, but going before Him because of who He is in our lives, He is God, He is our Heavenly Father and that alone should be reason enough. Just spend time with Him sometimes just to be in His presence and listen, not always to talk. Let Him do the talking and you do the listening for a change. God Bless 🙂


Father God, I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and my Lord and Savior. Asking You to put on each of our hearts to want to spend that morning time with You. Even when we feel we don’t have time, allow us to see that we need to make that time available. Because it is not for You, it is for us. Help us to have that desire to want to be with You before we are with anyone or anything else. Give us a desire to start our mornings and days with You. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen, Amen and Amen.