
Having A Gratitude Attitude Everyday

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I don’t know how the weather is where you are, but the weather here is gorgeous. The sun is shining and it is a little cool this morning, but it is still a beautiful morning. Praise God.

In our Sunday School lesson this past Sunday, the topic was “Gratitude Attitude.” Which was a very good lesson and the discussion was amazing. The lesson was telling us to always be grateful and thankful for everything that God does in our lives. This is something that as a Christian we should never have to be told or reminded to do. Because if you are a true Christian and child of God, your life should be a gratitude attitude everyday.

I was sharing with my TikTok family this morning one of my favorite coffee cups that I was having my coffee in. It says, “Good Morning This Is God! I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help. So, have a good day! I love you!” I love this cup and the young lady that gave it to me as a gift. This cup is just a daily reminder that God got us and our day. All we have to do is just turn our day over to Him and go and do whatever it is we do and let Him handle everything else.

We have to realize that God knows everything, He sees everything and He is everywhere. He is very much aware of things going on in our lives before we know and has already taken care of it, if we are His children. God loves us and He makes sure that we are taken care of on a daily basis when we allow Him to do so and get out of His way. As my coffee cup says, He does not need our help. I looked up having an attitude of gratitude and this is what it said, “As attitude of gratitude is a conscious habit of expressing appreciation for the things in life, both big and small, and focusing on the positive rather than the negative.” Well, to me that positive would be God and the negative would be the world. So, where is your focus?

I also looked up a few scriptures that talks about having an attitude of gratitude toward God. Psalm 107 reads, “A call to give thanks and reflect on God’s love and compassion,” Psalm 69:30 reads, “A reminder that there are things to be thankful for, even in challenging times,” Psalm 95:2 reads, “An invitation to come into God’s presence with thanksgiving and songs of praise,” and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reads, “Instructs people to give thanks because it is God’s will.” These are just a few of many scriptures in the Bible that instructs us to have an attitude of gratitude.

So, if you do not have an attitude of gratitude, you need to change your attitude. Don’t be like the 10 lepers that Jesus healed and only 1 came back to say thank you. Always be grateful and thankful in all tings every day. Because God blesses you and takes care of you everyday. Your alarm clock does not wake you up in the mornings, God does. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, with a grateful and thankful heart. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all that You do for us on a daily basis. Create in us a clean heart and put in us a right spirit. Amen