
Having A Heart Like Jesus

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have reached the half way mark again this week, a beautiful Wednesday morning. I pray every one is geared up with your Armor of God on and full of the Word. Ready to go out and make God proud. Today I have reached back into my Blog Files and pulled out another oldie but goodie. I originally posted this blog in October of 2019, but it is time to repost as that little reminder we all need sometimes.

As we are getting ready to go into the holiday season this year. I want to put a little something on your heart. If you are like me, you have probably already had thoughts such as these. But, I would still like to share these thoughts with you. This holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas), try and spread some of your love further than just your family and close friends. We are always told this time of year, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” But this should be for all seasons of our lives, not just the holiday season, right?

If we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, then that should be year round and not just for a a certain season. But since the holiday season is coming upon us and very soon. Reach out to those that are less fortunate than you. Be a blessing to someone that may not have family or friends to share the holiday with. Buy a few extra toys or gifts for the family that can’t afford to buy anything for their family. Cook a little something extra to share with the family who won’t have a holiday meal. Hang an extra stocking for the neighbor next door.

There are so many ways to be a blessing to others and not just with money. If you can give money to help someone that is great. But if you can’t there are so many other ways you can give such as your time, a helping hand, a listening ear, an occasional visit, etc. Pray about ways you can help some one and you will be led as to what you need to do. It makes you feel so good inside to know that you made someone else’s day by your works and good deeds.

We all get these warm and loving feelings inside during this time of year. Everyone seems to be a lot nicer and more loving to one another. This was put on my heart to share this morning while we still have time to add this to our holiday list of things to do. I am sure you know someone or a family in need of a little extra love. God always gives us more than what we need, but it is not all just for us. He gives us more in order to share with others.

Hebrews 13:16 reads, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • Callie Brown

    Kwen, you are awesome, I am so proud of you for allowing God to use you to encourage others.. I pray He will continue to use you. Yes mom would be even more proud. To God be the glory for all He is doing through you!💕