
Having That Job Kind Of Faith

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family, how’s everyone doing this beautiful and rainy morning? Yes, it is cloudy and raining where I am this morning, but it is still a beautiful morning. Why, because God made this day as well as the days filled with sunshine, so either way, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Jesus.

Last night my husband and I were listening to this radio program we have been listening to for years called “Unshackled.” It’s a program where real life testimonies are being acted out over the radio and it is so good. It is really good and the testimonies of things that people have gone through, some are unbelievable. When I listen to someone’s testimony, it takes my faith to another level, because I know what God did for those people He will do the same for me. Romans 2:11 reads, “For there is no respect of persons with God,” meaning God does not show favoritism. What He will do for one, He will do for another. That is such an awesome and faith building scripture and that is exactly what hearing someone’s testimony does, it builds my faith.

So, we were listening to this one testimony about a girl who was born with Cerebral Palsy and the struggles she encountered from people who did not understand what was going on with her. Cerebral Palsy is a muscle disorder, which can affect your body movements and your speech. This girl had loving Christian parents who worked with her, did not allow her to give up and more than anything, they trusted God. No matter what stumbling blocks were put in her way, they took it to God and prayed about it. They never let anything or anybody get in the way of their faith, trust and belief in God and what they knew He could do. So, this girl was brought up believing that God could do anything and you could not change that. I told me husband she had that Job kind of faith, unmovable.

To make a long story short, she learned to have a normal childhood just like her friends. She learned to ride a bike, skate, swim, she attended Christian camps, she graduated high school and went to Bible college. She was introduced to a boy with Cerebral Palsy and they dated and eventually got married. She had 2 miscarriages and ended up adopting a 5 day old baby boy, then she found out she was pregnant and had a little girl. They were very happy and keeping God in everything, they did nothing that did not include God. Then when her little girl turned 2 years old, she went for a normal checkup and found out she had breast cancer. The did not once let it get her down, because she knew what kind of God she served and she remembered all that He had done for her. So, she had an operation to remove the lump and some years later the same thing happened again it was removed as well, but not her faith in God. Then, her husband took ill and found out he had cancer of the liver, still their faith was so strong and they continued working in their ministry, happy and full of the joy of the Lord. Then one day her husband’s health went down really fast and he was tired of fighting, so he told her he was ready to go home. They said their goodbyes and went home to be with the Lord. Through all of this, she never once waivered in her faith and her walk with the God. She kept on working in the ministry, she was a missionary and traveled to teach the Bible in other countries, she started speaking and teaching people about Cerebral Palsy and how God helped her live a good life through it all. That was an amazing testimony and to hear it acted out was even more amazing.

I just thought, if we had faith like that how amazing our life would be, even the way we thought would be so positive. Trusting God in everything and all things, no matter how bad things were or how bad things looked. It would not move us because all of our faith would be in God and not in what we could do or not do. No matter what obstacles, stumbling blocks, mountains or life situations would be put in our way, we would just trust God and move on. That testimony made me think about my own faith level and my trust and belief in God. Because we as Christians sometimes we let the smallest things move us or shake us up, instead of just talking to God about it first. Having that kind of faith would make our lives so much easier and I believe we would be so much happier. After listening to that testimony, the little problems I have in my life seem like nothing at all, nothing. There is nothing too small or too big for God to handle and there is definitely nothing too hard for God, so give it to Him. Not just some, but give it all to Him and He doesn’t need your help. Faith pleases God and if you are like me, I know you want to please Him.

So, check your faith level and see if it needs a boost and if so, give it a boost. Stop and think about all of the things that God has already done for you and just know this, He is not done with you yet. God Bless 🙂