
He Did It All For Us

Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing well today. I do apologize for such a late blog today, but I had an appointment out of town this morning and left home a little early. So, I got back home and had to get cleaned up before sitting down to start my blog. Whenever I have to be out in public for a while or in a doctor’s office, I always come home put my clothes in the washer, shower and get all clean again. So, now I can sit down and write my blog for today. Praise God.

Well, we have made it half way through another awesome week in the Lord. A lot of my devotions I have been reading this week have been about Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday, however you say it. Either way you say it, it’s about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ being crucified, buried and raised from the dead by our Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for what Jesus did for us, so thankful. He went through a lot of pain and humiliation and He did it all for us. Thank You Jesus.

It’s ok to have some fun with your children during this time and celebrate with Easter parties, Easter egg hunts and having dinners at church and Granny’s house. Just don’t forget the real reason for the celebrations, don’t forget to make sure your children know the real reason for all of the fun. Make sure they know and understand what Jesus did for them and how much He loves them. Because when you look at any of the movies about Jesus and all that he endured for us, how could you not love Him. The whipping He took, all of the humiliation He took, all of the pain He went though with the crown of thorns and the nails in His hands and feet. Being nailed to that cross, not for anything He had done but for all that He knew we would do. Now that’s real love.

So, during this week and on Easter Sunday, take a moment and just picture all that Jesus went through for us. Then picture Him coming out of that grave. Praise God. Every time I read that part of the Bible, I just picture it and a big smile comes on my face. Just knowing, that one day I will see Him face to face and what a joyous time that will be. Thank You again Jesus for all You did for us and all the love You had and still have for us. Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • willie moore

    He did it all when He died for us what more can we want He keep us safe when we want try to do it for our self