
Here Am I, Send Me

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Although it was really hot, it was still a beautiful weekend full of sunshine. Also praying that everyone started their day and week off with God this morning, trusting Him in everything. Praise God.

Isaiah 6:8 reads “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, Here am I. Send me!” Does this sound like an answer you would give the Lord? If He were to give you a place to go or something to do. Would you be obedient or make excuses why you couldn’t go or do what He said?

God speaks to us everyday, but there’s so much going on in our lives we don’t hear Him. When thoughts, people or places pop up in our mind, things that were not being thought about. Sometimes taking a different route home that you never take. Having thoughts of calling someone you hadn’t talked to in years. All of a sudden feeling the need to help someone financially that you know needs help. Wanting to be a blessing to a family just because you are able to. These are little whispers from God, but will you say “Here Am I, Send Me?”

We are blessed to be a blessing. When God blesses us, He always gives us more than we need in order to be a blessing to others. To be able to go and bless someone else. So, when you feel that little nudge in your heart or hear that little whisper in your ear. Just say “Here Am I, Send Me.” Then go and do great and mighty things in the name of the Lord. He does’t ever give us anything to do that he does not first equip us to do. He will never give us more than we can handle.

When that day comes and I will stand before my Heavenly Father. I want to hear Him say to me, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” That is the goal I set out to work toward every day. So, when the Lord calls on you to go somewhere or do something, just answer “Here Am I, Send Me.” God Bless 🙂

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