
Hot, Cold Or Lukewarm

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Waking up to a very chilly and foggy morning. Praising and thanking God for another beautiful day that I was allowed to be a part of. Thank You Jesus.

Today, I would like to ask you a question that some of you may be able to answer while some may have to think about it. Do you consider yourself and your Christian life hot, cold or lukewarm? First I would like to give you the definitions of each of those words before you answer that question.

Cold – lacking affection or warmth of feeling, unemotional.

Hot – having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.

Lukewarm – moderately warm, showing little enthusiasm.

So, now that we are all on the same page as to what these three words mean. I will ask the question again, do you consider yourself and your Christian life hot, cold or lukewarm? I am praying that the answer we all give would be hot. Being cold in your relationship with God is like not having a relationship at all. Being lukewarm is somewhere in between hot and cold and that is not a good thing. Because Revelation 3:16 reads, “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Now, I don’t know about you, but I do not want God to spit me out of His mouth.

Being hot in your walk with God means that you are on fire for God, that Holy Ghost Fire down deep inside. That fire that makes you want to get up in the mornings and pray, seek God’s Face, talk and fellowship with God, read and study your Bible, have a strong prayer life and relationship with God. In other words, don’t be just a Sunday worshiper, but be a everyday worshiper. Don’t let Sunday be the only day you acknowledge God or just when you need something. Let God and prayer be a part of your everyday life.

I was listening to a prayer on Grace For Purpose and a story was told that I would like to share with you. Please see the story below:

“There was a man that was an attorney and very wealthy. He was a very good man and he did a lot of good things. He went to church every Sunday, a very active member in his church, he helped to feed and take care of the homeless, he was a tither and on and on. Well, one day he was in a car accident on his way home from work and found himself standing before the Great White Throne . He stood there while the angel looked for his name in the Lambs Book of Life. The angel looked and looked but his name was nowhere to be found. When the angel told him that his name was not there, he said that there must be a mistake. He then heard the Lord say “Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity for I know you not.” The man said no, this has got to be a mistake. Because I was a good man, I was a good husband, a good father, I was on the board at my church, I fed and helped take care of the homeless, I never committed adultery and I raised my kids in church. The angel then said, you were neither hot nor cold but you were lukewarm. You were committed on Sunday and during times of crisis. But your prayer life didn’t exist during the week. You knew the Word of God but you never applied it to your own life, you never truly lived by it. You knew of God but you never developed a personal relationship with God. You had the chance to tell millions about Jesus, yet you denied Him in public. Your job and career was an idol because you placed it above everything else.”

Children of God, please don’t be found lukewarm. Just being a good person and doing good things is not enough. You have to have that one on one relationship with God. You can’t just know about God, you have got to know God. You have got to pray and fellowship with Him on a daily basis, not just on Sunday. You have got to tell people about Him and allow others to see Him in your own life. God Bless 🙂