
Teach Me How To Pray

Good Tuesday Evening Blog Family. I pray that you had a blessed day today and a blessed night tonight. I do apologize for the blog being so late in the day, I had a very busy day today and was up and out early this morning. So, I decided that it is never too late to post a blog and talk about the Lord, so that is what I am doing. Praise God.

Over the years, I have had a lot of conversations with a lot of different people. In listening to them talk, at some point in the conversation they begin to share things they are going through. My question to them would always be, “have you prayed about it?” Sometimes their reply would be, “yes, I have prayed about it or no, I have not prayed about it because I don’t know how to pray.”

There is not a day that goes by that I am not praying about something. Sometimes, I’m just sitting and talking to my Heavenly Father, because basically that’s what prayer is to me. Talking to and having a conversation with God and then waiting quietly for Him to speak. Although, I have found out that is not easy for some people to do because they don’t know what to say.

As I was reading my devotion one morning on praying, they had given an acronym for the word pray. During my next prayer time, I decided to use the acronym given and it was amazing. So, with that being said, I thought it would be a good idea to share this. It could be the very thing that could help someone learn how to pray. Please see below:

P – Praise: Praise is how you are to enter God’s presence. It is the best way to begin your prayer. Psalm 100:4 reads “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

R – Repent: Take the time before God to search your heart and repent of anything that has come between you and Him. God, show me anything in my life that has raised a barrier between You and me, and I will repent of it.

A – Ask: When your heart is clean, you can have confidence before God when you come asking. 1 John 3:21-22 reads “Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”

Y – Yield: Yielding is when you stop talking, and you wait, listen, and seek to hear from God. Bow before God and ask Him; God, is there anything you want to say? Do You have any instructions for me? Is there anything You want me to change? Then wait silently for Him to speak to you.

So, if you are hesitant when it comes time to pray, try following the above acronym. You will be amazed at how comfortable praying will become to you. You will began to look forward to prayer time, you and your Heavenly Father. God Bless


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Asking You to lead us and guide us in prayer. Thank You for Your precious Holy Spirit whom You have given us to teach us and help us do whatever it is You have called or given us to do. Thank You Holy Spirit for helping us to pray when we don’t even know how to pray or what to pray for. Thank You for loving us so much. Amen


  • Cata Prieto Pastor

    I believe I found your blog by divine appointment thank you for sharing the love of the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ and being a blessing to many including myself, God Bless You! Looking forward to connecting together in One Spirit the Holy Spirit in Us, in Jesus Name Amen 🙏

    • admin

      Good Morning and thank you for subscribing to my blog. Where are you from? I have a lot of subscribers from different countries and it is very exciting to know where they are from. Have a safe and blessed day.