
If Not the Church, Then Who?

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this beautiful morning that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Praise the Name of Jesus.

Have you ever attended a church and was glad when the service was over? From the time you walked in the door, you began to feel very uncomfortable. There were not a lot of smiling faces nor pleasant greetings. The usher didn’t seem to be too thrilled about showing you to a seat. When you sat down, people moved over when you had more than enough room. Then of course, let’s not forget the stares and whispers.

I read some articles and posts on facebook this past week about church people being mean. People were saying this is the very reason why they no longer attend church. Because of the way they were treated when they were there, by the church members. In reading what people were saying, I have to say as a Christian, it was very hurtful and disappointing.

If people can’t go to church and feel loved, then where can they go? The church is the one place that anyone should be able to go and not be judged. Who are we (the church) to point our fingers and look down upon someone and judge them? Because of the way their dressed, the way they look or even how they speak or maybe they have a past? Well, who doesn’t have a past? We all have a past and God knows all about it, so why should it matter to you?

When people come to church, we may not know the reason they are there. But God knows the reason they are there and if He welcomes them, why shouldn’t we? It doesn’t matter if their homeless, dirty and need a bath. Maybe they just left the club and still dressed for the club. Then there’s the guy that was drinking all night and just happened to stumble into the church. Your church could be the church in their neighborhood. Whatever the reason they are there and however they come, the church should welcome them and love them the way Jesus would. Put a smile on your face, give them a big hug and love on them. They have come to the right place to get what they need and that is Jesus. Church, who are we to turn them away?

Think about it this way. We all have done something that we are not proud of. But guess what? God loved us anyway and welcomed us with open arms. It is not our place to ever judge anyone, no matter what. If God accepted us as we were, then we need to show that same love toward our brothers and sisters. Matthew 7:1-2 reads “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Giving You all of the praise, all of the glory and all of the honor. You are an amazing and loving Father and we are so thankful and grateful for all that You do for Your children. Give us a heart like Yours toward our brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us to love like You love with a caring heart toward all of Your children, no matter who they are. Thank You and Amen.