
If We Loved Like Jesus Loves

This morning during my devotion time and having my morning cup of coffee. My great granddaughter toddled in and reached up for me to pick her up. She just turned one and she is absolutely adorable. She looked up at me and gave me a big smile with that one little tooth showing. I picked her up and gave her a big hug and a kiss and in that brief moment I thought about how much I love this precious little girl.

Then I thought about how much Jesus loves me and all He went through just for me. My mind then took me back to scenes in the movie, “The Passions of the Christ.” Even though I had read all of this in my Bible, the movie just added the detailed graphics of it all. It became more real to me to actually see what Jesus went through.

When you really think about all of the beatings, the humiliation, the pain endured and the crucifixion. There is never a doubt in my mind that Jesus loves me and how much He loves me. Why else would He have gone through all of that when He could have stopped everything.

Even today, Jesus looks past all of our faults, short comings, disobedience, sins, unloving attitudes, unforgiving hearts, dishonesty, lying, cheating and the list could go on. He loves us just that much and gives us chance after chance to get this right. We have to look past all of these things in the lives of family, friends and people in general. Give them the same love that Jesus gave and is giving to us, that agape love. In case you don’t know what agape love is, let me help you out. Agape is defined as the highest expression or form of love, the kind of love that comes from our Heavenly Father.

So, do you think you can find it in your heart to love like Jesus loves and not just your family, but everyone? Can you imagine what this world would be like if we all loved like Jesus loves? If you don’t think you can, take a minute and reflect back on “The Passions of the Christ” and how much Jesus loves you. Every morning after your prayer time, ask the Father to help you love like Jesus loves and He will. I love You and God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • Sedricka Robinson

    Yesss amen I know God is still working on me to become better and be more like him and also want to love like him. So now I have to remember now after my time spent with God to ask him to let me love like him.