
Importance Of Family

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a safe and blessed day and week so far. Staying connected to God and trusting Him in everything and all things. Praise God.

Today I just want to remind you the importance of family, immediate or extended. Even really close friends that you look at as part of the family. Family is very important to God and it should be very important to us as well. God created the family so that should tell you right there how important family should be to us.

I was thinking about a lot of family members yesterday that I don’t talk to very often, just every once in a while. So, I decided to text everyone and just say hello and to check on them and to tell them I loved them. You would be surprised how glad they were to hear from me and thanked me for checking on them. Not only did it make them feel good, it made me feel good as well. It put a big smile on my face and in my heart. It always makes me feel good when I have the opportunity to make some one else smile. They even took the time to update me on things that were going on in their families, which then gave me an opportunity to pray for them in a specific area. Because I pray for my family and friends every day during my prayer time.

Even if you are not able to actually make a phone call, send a text or an email to let them know you are thinking about them. It doesn’t even have to be long, just a few words to say hello, just checking on you, or a simple I love you. That will touch their heart in so many ways and make your heart happy as well. As a family, we need each other more than we realize we do. Sometimes you may just need to listen or make someone laugh, either way it’s a good thing. Don’t always be the one waiting to hear from a loved one, be the one that lets them hear from you. In return, that just may start some continual phone calls, texts or emails.

I have noticed in not just other families, but in my own family. Sometimes we don’t see one another, get together or talk to one another until there’s a funeral of a loved one. Then all of the family members gather together and it’s like one big family reunion after the funeral. It should not be that way, a funeral should not be the only time we get together or talk with one another. We should get together or at least stay in touch as often as we can. We may not be able to do a lot of traveling at this time, but we can keep in touch and check on each other. We have to do this, we just have to.

As I said before, family is very important to God and it should be very important to us too. So, go get in touch with some family members and say hello, check on them, update a little and tell them you love them while you still have the opportunity. Since you are my blog family, I am saying hello, just wanted to check on you and the family and just know that Jesus loves you and so do I. Praying for you everyday. God Bless 🙂