
In The Midst Of A Pandemic

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying that everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Now it’s time to start a new week full of new opportunities and new blessings. Seeking God about our day and what He has in store for us. Praise His Holy Name.

I was thinking about the ending of 2019 and all of the things I had planned on doing. The New Year 2020 was going to be my year to do a lot of new things that I believe God was calling me to do. The year 2019 had been pretty busy with my Ministry at church and my Blog. God was keeping me busy and I was loving every minute of it. From speaking at different Women Events, to planning and putting together the Women’s Retreat or sitting down to write a blog. In my heart, I felt that the year 2020 was going to be even better. I was excited to see what my next assignments would be from my Heavenly Father.

I’m sure I was not the only one that was looking for a new and refreshing year in 2020. Little did we know, we would be faced with something I don’t believe anyone was expecting. The horrid Covid-19 reared it’s ugly head and changed everything. Although our outlook on a new year might have changed, but there was one thing that did not change and will never change and that is Jesus. No matter what may be going on or not going on around us, He is still and always will be the same, unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 reads, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

So, life may not be going like a lot of us had planned, but that’s ok. Even in the midst of a world wide pandemic, Jesus is still the same and still doing all that He said He would do. We just have to stay connected to Him, continue to follow Him, allow Him to lead and guide us at all times, believe and trust Him and we can still have that wonderful life we were looking forward to in 2020, even in the midst of this pandemic. He is so much bigger than this pandemic and anything else we may come up against. We have to realize, Jesus never changes, we do.

But guess what? I still belong to and live my life for Jesus. I still sit down every week and write my blogs. I still spend time with Him every day in prayer, praise and worship. He is still the biggest part of my life and He is everything to me. I may not be able to gather with other Sisters in Christ at Women Conferences or other Ministry gatherings. But God is still God and He is still good and He meets with me everyday right here in my living room. Just me and Him and let me tell you, we have an awesome time.

So, don’t let this pandemic steal your joy or all of the things that God may have put on your heart to do this year. Even if you are afraid to step out a little bit, as I am sometimes. But I have to remember what God said in Joshua 1:9 which reads, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,” and in Isaiah 54:17 He tells me that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” With that Word, I can go and do what He tells me to do and not be afraid, because I know He is with me wherever I go and He protects me. God is good all the time and all the time God is good, even in the midst of a world wide pandemic. Praise His Holy Name. God Bless 🙂