
Is Jesus Visible In Your Life?

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I am praying that you and your families have had a wonderful week so far. Full of the goodness of God and all of His grace, mercy and blessings. Staying safe and allowing Him to lead and guide you in your daily walk. Praise God.

This morning I am going to start with a question. Is Jesus visible in your life? How often do you allow people to see Jesus in your life? Is it everyday or is it just on Sunday morning at church? Can you say that your life is a good representation of who Jesus is? If a person did not know Jesus, would they want to get to know Him by watching you? There are people that don’t attend church nor read the Bible. Your life may be the only Jesus they ever see, so what are you showing them? Are you drawing them to Jesus or pushing them further away? If you have Jesus in your life and living the same way they are living. They may ask, why do I need to change, why do I need Jesus when we are both doing the same things? What would you tell them?

Let’s go a little bit deeper. Mom and Dad, are you allowing your children to see Jesus in you, your home and in your marriage? Are you showing them how to love the way Jesus loves or the way the world loves? Showing them how to live a life that is pleasing to Jesus? How God created the family and He needs to stay in the middle of it? Seeking Him for answers and not the world. Ask yourself, when it’s time for my son or daughter to choose a spouse, would they choose someone like me? What would your answer be?

Are you allowing your spouse to see Jesus in you in your marriage and relationship? Are you loving your spouse as Jesus loves the church. Are you treating your spouse in a way that would please God? If there is an argument or disagreement between the two of you, can they still see and hear Jesus in you? Are you allowing Jesus to have complete control of your marriage and trusting Him with it?

What about your neighbors? Do you treat your neighbors the way you would like them to treat you? Are you kind hearted and loving? Willing to give a helping hand if needed, even without being asked. Do you offer your services to others when you see the need. You know, like buying groceries for a family in need of food, giving someone a ride, helping the elderly with their yard work, taking a meal to the single working Mom, and the list could go on and on. Can your neighbors say that they see Jesus in you all of the time or just when it benefits you?

Do you allow your employer and co-workers to see Jesus in you? Do you show up for work and start to work on time? What about that Christ like attitude and being a good team player. Always going beyond what is expected of you. Are you respectful in the workplace? Are you that one person in the office that everyone notices there’s something different about you? Are you that person in the office that co-workers come to for prayer and to talk to about problems because they see Jesus in you everyday?

Can your friends see Jesus in you? Can your friends count on you no matter what, through the good and the bad. Do you allow Jesus to work through and speak through you to others? Can they tell that you have been set apart and not like this world? How often do you invite a friend to church or to share Jesus with someone who may not know Him. So, the question has been, is Jesus visible in your life to other people? Is He visible in your life to YOU? Because if you can’t see Him in your own life, neither can anyone else. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You not just for what You do in our lives but for who You are in our lives. You a good and gracious Father and we love You so much. We ask that You help us to live a life that is pleasing to You, not jut on Sunday’s but everyday. Help us to allow people to see Jesus in our daily lives, to hear Jesus when we speak and in the way we treat others. Help us to love like Jesus and always willing to lend a helping had when needed. Help us to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus and have the Heart of Jesus. Thank You in advance for what we know is already done. Amen.

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