
Keep Our Front Line In Prayer

Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this afternoon? I am Blessed and Highly Favored and I pray you are too. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Can I get a Amen? Amen.

Well, today I want to put something on your mind just in case you haven’t thought about it. We need to keep our front line people lifted up in prayer every day. When I say front line people, I am referring to the doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, ambulance personnel, policemen, firemen, grocery store employees, pharmacy employees and our truck drivers. These people are on the front lines because they are in constant contact with people every day.

Keep in mind if and when our doctors and nurses go home to their families, they are taking a big chance. Not knowing if they have contracted this virus and then taking it home to their families. This is why we need to add them to our daily prayer list if you haven’t already. They are risking their own lives not just for their families but for ours as well.

Our grocery and pharmacy employees are taking that same chance everyday, coming in contact with different people. Our truck drivers are going in and out of different states picking up and delivering loads of product that we need every day. Going in and out of truck stops along with other drivers from all over the map. Policemen, Firemen and Ambulance personnel still have a job to do every day and coming in contact with different people and then going home to their families as well.

We may have been told to stay home and only leave to get groceries or medicine. Don’t forget those that have to be out there everyday doing a job that has to be done for our families as well as their own. So, the next time you go before God in prayer. Please don’t forget to lift up our first line people. Pray for God to keep them protected at all times in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂