
Keeping God In Your Ear

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. We are here at the start of another week, still safe and blessed. God is just so good to us. Praise His Holy Name.

This morning I want to talk to you about keeping God in your ear. I was listening to a teaching over the last 3 days, it was a 3 part teaching and it was amazing. In this teaching was talking about the different ways that God chooses to speak to us. Then it talked about the different ways we as His children can hear Him when He speaks to us. When I tell you I was blown away, it was such a good teaching. Especially when Pastor Nadine was talking about praying and asking God for a hearing heart.

So, this got me to thinking about my next blog. It was just on my heart to blog about keeping God in our ear. To me, whatever we are allowing to go into our ears should have something to do with God. I listen to praise and worship, teaching, preaching, reading Bible or devotions out loud, always something that acknowledges my Heavenly Father. Why, because I am instilling in me what can teach me and help me keep God in my ear and keep my mind stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3 reads, ” You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.”

Why would I want to allow things to go in my ear that does nothing for me, but maybe take up space in my mind and heart. Taking up space that I can fill with the Word of God or something pertaining to God. Mark 4:24 reads, ” If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.” “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you– and even more.”

A few weeks ago my Granddaughter text me and she was telling me that, “she had felt like me because she had been cleaning and playing Gospel music all night. Then when she finished cleaning, she took the anointing oil I gave her and anointed her house and everybody in the house, herself, her daughter, her boyfriend and the cat.” Do you know how that made me feel? For her to say she felt like me because of what comes out and what she see and hear when she is around me. I could have gotten up and ran around this truck, if I could have. That was a real Holy Ghost shouting moment.

This is why it is so important to keep God in your ear every day. Because when you allow God to go in, then God is what people see and hear when they are around you. Now, I know there are other things we listen to that does not pertain to God and that is ok. Just make sure you give Him equal if not more time in your ear. He is always speaking to us, we just can’t always hear Him because we are not listening for Him. Turn the world down and turn God up in your ear. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You this morning in the mighty name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. First asking You to forgive us for the things we allowed to go into our ears that we should not have. Help us to think about what we are listening to and to determine if it’s helping or hurting us. Give us the desires in our heart to want more of you going into our ears and less of the world. In Jesus name we pray. Thank You and Amen.