
Keeping God in Your Marriage

Happy Friday every one. Today I would like to talk about marriage. How to have a happy marriage. A marriage that includes God. Make your marriage about God, by keeping God in your marriage. Because God is greater than any problem or stress in your marriage or relationship. So lets think about what I’ve listed below:

  1. You can be happily married if the reason you are married is greater than any problem you are having or stress you are feeling.
  2. Ask yourself, why did I get married and why am I still married?
  3. Are you safe to love? Can your spouse love you, trust you, be open with you, and depend on you without a fear of being hurt or rejected?
  4. Are you sharing the marriage or dominating the marriage? If you aren’t sharing the marriage or communicating in the marriage, you don’t have a relationship. With healthy communication, your marriage has room to grow. Without communication or God, it dies.
  5. What happens when you don’t feel the way you used to feel about your spouse? Anything without God has no lasting values. It will not last, even your feelings for your spouse.
  6. Sometimes we go through things in our marriage that we don’t quite understand. Have you ever stopped to think that this may be the very thing God is using to change you? We always pray and ask God to change our spouse or our circumstances, but what about us? We might be the one that God needs to change first, not our spouse or circumstances.
  7. God is greater than any issue you will ever face. If you trust God, He will help you make the right decisions. You can’t go wrong with God, He sees all and knows all.

When we glorify God, good things happen. In the Bible when people glorified God, people were healed, blind eyes were opened and tongues were loosed. So, do you think your marriage or your relationship is too hard for God to heal or make better. It has to with God, because God cannot fail and He doesn’t make mistakes. He knows how marriage is supposed to work, it’s one of His creations.

Just wanting to do better is not enough, we have to be willing to discipline ourselves. That always means giving something up in order to get something we want more. We discipline ourselves now for a future reward. A happy marriage and relationship grounded and rooted in God. A little bit of Heaven right here on earth. God Bless 🙂