
Know Who The Important One Is

Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray all is well with everyone this beautiful December morning. Starting your day with God and and enjoying all that He has for you today. Thank You Jesus.

I was reading a post on my Facebook page and it was nice enough for me to want to share with all of you this morning. Please read below:

I thought this was very nice and it was the first time I have ever seen or read it, very well said. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Giving You all of the praise, glory and honor that belongs to You. We love You so much and so thankful for all that You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have done, doing and will continue to do for us, Your children. Thank You Jesus for giving Your life for ours, our salvation and our King and our Lord and Savior. Amen